Hello Group,
I'm a "Long time reader, first time caller" and it's great to be here w/ a bunch of minds that want to "get in the game". I'm presently working on a
board game idea and I'm looking into trying to get it published. Recently, I mailed to a small board game company a signed copy of their NDA along with the rules to a game concept that I was working on. They reviewed my concept and they wrote me back w/ the following:
"...I think it is clever, however I do not think it's strong enough to make it to market. I will say that things always change and it may be that your concept could be part of a game just not the whole game. Feel free to check in with me periodically for any updates".
Two questions came to mind when I read this: What did they mean by the above statement (just checking for 'legalese') and how does one make their game stronger to market? Hopefully, it doesn't involve steroids :-/.
Thank you all for replying to my query. I didn't think I'd get such answers so promptly! I will definitely take them all into consideration. If anyone else out there wants to put in there own two cents, feel free to chime in!