Ok, I'm getting ready to put together the pieces for my new game - GODS ALONG THE NILE. We ran it at ConQuestSac and managed to squeeze in some 20 playings with a fairly diverse crowd. We couldn't be happier with the response we got. It was great!
So... now to the next phase. Getting it into the box. This was designed to be a very PRETTY game [I designed it for my wife who loves the Egyptian motif] and in looking for artwork for the prototype, I came across a wonderful series of drawings on wikipedia by a fellow named Jeff Dahl. There also happens to be a Jeff Dahl [aging Punk Rocker] who sucks all the Google hits, so I can't seem to find this talented fellow to get permission from him to use his art - or get him to do some extra stuff for me as well.
Does anyone know how to contact people on wikipedia? I REALLY need to get in touch with this guy... not that I wouldn't LOVE to have Vohwinkle do it.... ;) But then, if I could afford professional artists, I'd be publishing this baby myself.
As an aside, we've been using beads we picked up at MICHAEL'S for the prototype and were very pleasantly surprised at the response we got from the public. They were universal in their praise and were surprised that we even considered using anything else - which we won't! I've shopped these things on a great website called PANDAHALL, and they're even cheaper than wooden specialty pieces. Think outside the box a little and see if there's anything there for you.
But right now - can anybody get this fellow my contact info?! Please paste and send along! Thanks!
Chester Hendrix
Marysville, CA