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Name this game!

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Hi all,

I am working on a game that is mostly about Jewels that hold the power of various Fantasy minions. The game is about how these Jewels interact with each other...

My difficulty is that I am looking for a NAME for this game... Some games which are more puzzle games in comparison would be like "Bejeweled".

But the game I am working on is more Fantasy-oriented and is more than just a puzzle game. It is also part RPG. Games in this category are similar to "Puzzle Quest" (

Of course my game is different and does not have gem matching as the primary mechanic, it's mostly about placement combined with colours. passive and active abilities.

For example races and their alignment (including the great dual RPS-3 mechanics it will be using) can be found on this BGDF thread:

So what I need is a GAME NAME and something to call the MANA that comes from these Jewels...

Like I said the Jewels hold the power of minions that get used on the battlefield against your opponent (however your opponent has his own Jewels/Minions).

Many thanks for your input and help!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Storyline - TBD

I'm still in the process of having a "small" storyline about the game, which may evolve later on.

As of today the concepts is sort of like this:

-As each great Hero ages, he comes face to face with the reality of life and the final destination upon death.

-Ancient Oracles through tradition have been responsible for helping the legends of those Heroes survive beyond death.

-The Oracles use magic crystals they place upon the body of the dying Hero such that those crystals embody each Heroes' spirit through a series of rituals upon death.

-The crystals are then used by great Leaders to deploy their spirit armies to do battle against each other...

This is just a rough idea. I am still in the process of thinking about the storyline. My apologies if this one may seem a little bit lame! :)

I'm not the best storyteller - so I will need to ponder further. I just wanted to give designers some clue as to what I am looking for in terms of a name for the game...

Corsaire's picture
Joined: 06/27/2013

Xtal is a shorthand for crystal and has a fantasy vibe to me.

I think of three sorts of crystal power: metaphysical, vibrations, or light.

Metaphysically maybe some variation of chakra for the energy.

Lots of intersting things to work with from vibrations, oscilliation, anisotropy, or piezo. Vibra, oscills, aniso, pieza (great opportunity for players to joke about needing more pizza.)

For light and summoning creatures, holography comes to mind. Holon would be an interesting energy name as it is as if another subatomic particle exists that empowers magic.

richdurham's picture
Joined: 12/26/2009
Brain storming:

Oracles' Stones
The Oracles
Stony Oracles
Legendary Heroes
The Spirit Stones
Armies of the Dead
Crystal Heroes
Souls of War
Souls of Battle
Souls of Legend
Legendary Souls
Legendary war souls of battle
Proxy Fight
Cowardly Leaders
Crystal Wars

That's all I have at the moment.

schattentanz's picture
Joined: 02/18/2014

Go away from the jewels and make them marbles for one of the following titles:

Mana Marbles
Mana Marble Madness
Mana Marble Maniacs
Metamorphing Mana Marble Madness
("Hey! What are you creating there?" - "A 4-M game..." - "Sooo ... does it play like a 4-X game?")

Just some thoughts :)

Kind regards,
Kai :)

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Antialiasing difficulties

richdurham wrote:
Crystal Heroes...
Legendary Souls

I really like those two (2). So I think I will combine both and call the initial game set (which will have 90 Crystals):

Legendary Souls - Crystal Heroes

So kind of a "First Edition". Future editions will be "Legendary Souls - Something Else"!

As for "marbles" I cannot do this because the Crystals are "Square" in shape.

Working with circles is a pain in the ass. You have to worry about transparency of sprite and making sure that the sprites don't look jagged. Using circles makes it that you cannot effectively "Antialias" them thus making them look jagged.

Squares are a lot simpler because of the shape and don't need "Antialiasing" to make them look good.

It's for a video game (not a board/card game). So I have to work with how the game will be developed and what looks best on the computer...

There are many challenges and I am trying to make a good game that will be not too difficult to program/develop. Things like proper antialiasing, jagged edges, sprite sizes, display layers, are a pain in the ass too...

I'm taking it slow. Working on the artwork. Also I will work on the various "screens" needed. Other matters like logins and such... There is a lot to do. I give myself two (2) years to develop the game. Something like Jan 2014 to Jan 2016.

I may finish it or not. We'll see. I am trying to keep things as SIMPLE as possible. But things that seem simple to do, are not always so...! ;)

Again thanks for the input...

Note: I named the Crystals Soul Crystals and they provide "Soul Points" (SPs). Players use "Oracle Stones" to activate special abilities locked within the "Soul Crystals"!

gameogami's picture
Joined: 03/20/2012
Corsaire wrote:Xtal ... Lots

Corsaire wrote:


Lots of intersting things to work with from vibrations, oscilliation, anisotropy, or piezo. Vibra, oscills, aniso, pieza (great opportunity for players to joke about needing more pizza.)

I like this. "Xtal" for the name of the game, and "Vibration" for the mana term.

Shoe's picture
Joined: 12/21/2012
Phylactery? The first thing I


The first thing I thought of was Liches in D&D. With trap the soul and Phylactery both being gemstones with lifeforce in them.

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