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Chemical Spill by Chemisode: the chemistry card game

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Joined: 12/29/2015

Hi all!!

Newbie designer here with the first of (hopefully) many card/board games on kickstarter. See below for the link and the basic info. Would love to hear your feedback.

BTW: twitter and instagram is @cheimsode and I am posting a daily chemistry joke for the length of the campaign feel free to retweet and get the message out there!!!

Chemical Spill is a chemistry based drafting card game.

How to play:

Chemicals are spilled and each player gets 10 cards each. They are allowed to 'cleanup' one card before the rest are washed to the next player for the next round. Each round players select one card from the cards passed to them and continue to pass until all cards are chosen.

Players use the elements they have chosen to create molecules. Different molecules score different amounts of points (as seen on the scoring cards). Any elements that have not been made into molecules cost you points!

One round is all that is needed to learn how to play, once the first round has been completed people will be begging to play more.

$2 - Thanks
$14 - Early bird: 1 deck (limited to 40)
$18 - 1 deck normal
$40 - 1 personalised deck
$50 - 3 decks - classroom level
$110 - 3 personalised decks
$150 - 10 decks for the whole school!
$500 - 40 cards available for distrubtion

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