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Rare plug for Explorers of the North Sea

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richdurham's picture
Joined: 12/26/2009

My local kiwi friend Shem has rocketed to the top of the kickstarters to watch list in the last couple days with the launch of the third game in his North Sea trilogy, Explorers of the North Sea.

If you have the other games, you can add on for a special expansion "Runesaga of the North Sea" that plays across all three games in the trilogy.

I've been through the development of the last couple in the series, and Explorers is the most straight forward, "fun" of the three. It's a very smooth running game that should make sense immediately, even if you don't do very well :)

The project hit its goal in a few hours, but Shem doesn't do retail distribution. Only Kickstarters. So if you want it, get in the next few weeks.

Here's a link to the Kickstarter

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
Big thanks!


Last year, it was your plug for Shem's second game, Raiders of the North Sea, which compelled me to become a Backer. I recently received the game, and while I have yet to get it to the Gaming Table, the art is beautiful, the components are top-notch, and the rulebook is well written.


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