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X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

I ended with a blog.
Which I will never finish.
I even don't have time for that.

The typing is time consuming.
And we are so busy with other stuff. None of us has time to even play a board game.

This conspiracy rich disease that holds the world in its grip, did us no good either.
I still have my work and have close contact with a lot of people despite. But that is my job. You guys never will understand any way.

I am going to continue with my YT channel, which has a little over 250 subscribers at the moment.

I might be lurking on the forums. But that would be about it.

Cheers, X3M

Juzek's picture
Joined: 06/19/2017
I hope your life soon becomes

I hope your life soon becomes less stressful.

Sad to see you go, but we will be here if you ever decide to come back!

Carry on

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I kind of feel your pain. I

I kind of feel your pain. I have been somewhat trapped in the past with the infinite loop of design. Where you design stuff, but no games are actually getting built.

I decided to switch to video game design because there is more production to do than board game design, which gives it a better sense of progress.

But having moved recently, and still having school work, I am overloaded of work. Plus, I don't have a good work place at home, so working on a computer gives me physical pain.

All this combined, makes my games progress little and it's very frustrating.

One of my problem is that the mind move faster than game's production. So while I am trying to produce a game, my mind is already designing something else when it should not.

Finally, having to do more bus transportation than before to go to work it eat some of my free time. The work I can do on the bus is currently limited and I am exploring various options.

So yes, lot of frustration. I guess the idea is to take it one step at a time. Try to optimise time consumption or work organisation (ex: the thread I made about project management)

This is also the reason for my black book project. Make a minimalist engine to test prototypes.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
You will be missed for your in-depth analysis often

X3M wrote:
...I even don't have time for that.

The typing is time consuming.
And we are so busy with other stuff. None of us has time to even play a board game...

I understand the lack of time. And you pretty much need time to reflect in order to be able to put together a post. You had some "lofty" goals with a RTS Board Game (which I followed as best as possible) and sometimes the posts were TL;DR... But that's okay, it was more complex than other games.

X3M wrote:
This conspiracy rich disease that holds the world in its grip, did us no good either.

I agree it does suck. WHY? Because I would love to visit my FLGS and try out a few rounds of "Crystal Heroes"! It's ALMOST at a point that I am ready to try it out with the public.

X3M wrote:
I still have my work and have close contact with a lot of people despite. But that is my job. You guys never will understand any way.

Well it's good you still do have a JOB. Some people are JOB-LESS over this Pandemic ... Even though we are seeing some loosening of the rules. Right now it's only HOME gathering which are limited to 10 people. So basically either a Family get-together or a Small Party with Coupled Friends.

X3M wrote:
I am going to continue with my YT channel, which has a little over 250 subscribers at the moment.

Definitely a START to something. But I find I could never do a YT channel. I think it requires too much in terms of equipment, setup, editing, etc. Too much for one person... So I'll stick to Game Design because that can be done with 2 to 3 people and it IS do-able.

X3M wrote:
I might be lurking on the forums. But that would be about it.

Well it might be easier to see what OTHERS are up to... And help them out... If you don't have the time for your OWN Designs/Games well the least you can do is HELP other people out! In the past, you've helped me out with countless threads. I don't remember all of them... But you've definitely helped me with much of the MATH in my games. You're very strong when it comes to "mathematics" ... So that's definitely one of your STRENGTHS...

The worst-case, just post in the Water Cooler about your YT channel. Tell us what new content you have and share a YT Link to it. It's still GAME-RELATED even if it is Video Games. Maybe some of our members will want to watch your content!

Cheers Ramon and to whatever makes you HAPPY!

Note #1: You can also use your own personal Blog to post about your YT channel and the videos that you make. I think this is allowable since your are/were an active member of this community. I hope you do decide to "re-consider" and find some time in your busy day or every other day or even once a week to visit and see what's going on!

tikey's picture
Joined: 03/31/2017
Best of luck with all your

Best of luck with all your things!

I hope we'll see you again soon :)

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