Can you explain what this is and how it works??? It might be good for me to see if it may be used with "Monster Keep" (MK).
And switch between these 3 constantly.
I think this is related to ABOVE. Can you explain further???
Don't invent a car that is made of lego.
Invent the lego blocks themself.
And a plan on how to add new blocks that fit in nicely. Thus every combination should fit.
Also, the new type of blocks will be introduced one by one. Perhaps spread out over multiple add-ons. Perhaps revisited once combined with another interesting lego block.
Here are my expansion options:
:) 1. Armor/Damage interactions.
:) 2. Speed/Range interactions.
:) 3. Unit/Structure and Organic/Mechanical attributes.
:) 4. Air/Ground/Sub attributes.
:\ 5. Piercing weapons.
:\ 6. Ballistic and X-ray weapons.
:) 7. Projectiles that are instant or slower.
:? 8. Turn altered weapons.
:| 9. Additional attributes and corresponding weapons.
:) 10. Suicidal designs.
:) 11. Chain reaction weapons.
:) 12. Cool-down and Charging.
:( 13. Weapon choices(currently working on).
:\ 14. Minimum range.
:) 15. Altered sizes.
:) 16. Altered propulsion systems.
:) Absolutely sure, this is balanced. And also a lot of fun!
:\ This is balanced. But the calculation work behind the scenes, it can be ridiculous.
:| Balanced? Not sure. Also, often needs a lot of calculations behind the scenes.
:( Needs work.
:? Kinda is replaced. But is a different mechanic. And can be used in combination with the new mechanic too!
Points 1, 2 and 3 are minimal demands for the first edition.
Then I can add more variation to those points. And add other points.
Some are simple. Some are very hard, even for me.
Although, while you see a lego block. The technique in making such refined blocks is the job of the designer. The player, plays and builds.
I can't understand WHY(?) they design cards and then put them on the BAN LIST...! This too me is like fncken retards. Like WHY(!) do they design such cards that they need to BAN them later?!?!?! TOTALLY LAME IMHO!
Note #1: Yu-Gi-Oh! was the OPPOSITE: they would design impossibly hard combos that are super powerful to beat ... maybe only by using a counter of ANOTHER super hard combo... Like you unlock YOUR super powerful combo... And then the next round your opponent unlocks his/her super powerful combo and then it's a REAL battle until the end!
The answer here
Buy this card!!!
Now it is banned!!!
Here is another card for you to buy!
Whoopsiedaisy, it got banned... :)
...Want another good card?
While MtG keeps expanding (no plan).
I personally think of cutting down in my own design (cutting the plan).
Not sure how in my design that would work. There are 12 cards per player and a pouch with parts (cubes and dice). That's it. If it becomes popular, I will produce NEW RACES which kind of play differently (that's the challenge: to figure each race's play style).
Buy this card!!!
Now it is banned!!!
Here is another card for you to buy!
Whoopsiedaisy, it got banned... :)
So you are saying they make MORE money on "banned" cards?! So when these cards FIRST "appear" ... everyone goes to their store to BUY them, right? And then they last for an edition or two and then the cards is deemed too strong and therefore BANNED. Then whatever NEW strategy is acceptable or another (I should say) strategy (way of play) emerges with certain good cards... And it too lasts only as LONG as WOTC decide that the play style of that deck is "acceptable" to all players. Right?
I understood. My game has a Micro Deck of 12 cards per player. It's very TRIM as a design. Not much extra except for a pouch and parts (cubes and dice). So there is no real need to "cut-down" on content. I'm good there the game is already VERY LEAN.
BUT my concern is "expandability". I want to DESIGN new "races" for future Editions. The game follows a Living Card Game approach (LCG). Meaning new "kits" of cards will be made available for purchase... I'm still working on the "commercial" side of things ... However the basic idea is every 1 year or so, a NEW couple races appear and can be played.
MY problem is ensuring that people are INTERESTED in purchasing NEW card "kits". Aside from ART which is loosely secondary, GAMING is the real reason to purchase NEW cards. So while I may have real NICE art, unless the "new" races ADD something to the game, it's not likely that players will BUY the new races...
Do you understand my MK dilemma?