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I don't understand the Game Journal

6 replies [Last post]
Joined: 08/28/2009

HI there...

I'm a bit new here.. I registered a while ago (almost a year ago) and was a little active before life kicked me in the shins for a while before throwing me on a rollercoaster which turned out to be a bit of fun.

Anyway, I'm back! Yay! But the website's all different and your technology confuses and frightens me.

Specifically, I don't really understand how to use the Game Journal. I want to put up notes and stuff for my various games (a pretty good form of a poor man's copyright, in my opinion), but I'm not entirely sure how to go about it.

Can someone give me a bit of an overview on how it works/its functons?

Thankee kindly. Looking forward to getting back into this community.


Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
It's pretty much fill in the

It's pretty much fill in the fields you want and save.

What were you wondering?

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
it's a lot like the forum posts

The Game Journals work a lot like the forum posts... click Game Journal on the nav bar on the left there, then fill in the name and text for your Journal. then add comments to it.

Pastor_Mora's picture
Joined: 01/05/2010
Journal Layout

I've seen Journals used in two ways.

First, as a single post with tons of comments, that are really hard to follow in the end. I try to address this matter by using numbered titles in my comments, as if they were different chapters. For example:

Second, using many chained entries to keep comments separated, but having to jump from one to the other until you finally reach the part you are interested in. For example: This I think it would be technically the best way of doing it. I haven't devoted myself to figure out how to do it yet.

Keep thinking!

Joined: 08/28/2009
Thanks for the replies! That

Thanks for the replies!

That overview that Pastor_Mora gave was what I was looking for, really. Looks like I can set up a wiki-style hyperlinked thingie.

Looking forward to becoming an active member of the community.


sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Good answer!

Pastor_Mora wrote:
I've seen Journals used in two ways.

First, as a single post with tons of comments, that are really hard to follow in the end. I try to address this matter by using numbered titles in my comments, as if they were different chapters. For example:

Second, using many chained entries to keep comments separated, but having to jump from one to the other until you finally reach the part you are interested in. For example: This I think it would be technically the best way of doing it. I haven't devoted myself to figure out how to do it yet.

Keep thinking!

This is an excellent reply, and I'm ashamed of myself for not answering as diligently! Thank you Juan for continuing to be a constructive and helpful member of the BGDF community!

Pastor_Mora's picture
Joined: 01/05/2010
Thanks, Seth, you are most welcome!

:blush: (I miss emoticons)

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