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Hi, I'm new here!

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scott.pate's picture
Joined: 06/01/2017

Hi, everyone. My name is Scott and I live in Milwaukee, WI. I got into board games about 10 years ago. I generally play Catan, Arkham Horror, Wits & Wagers, Forbidden Island/Desert, Ticket to Ride, and Marrying Mr. Darcy (if you haven't played it, it's amazing - especially with a group of guys).

I prefer co-op games; I don't like to make my friends lose by playing a nasty card against them. I like it when everyone wins. I don't usually care about winning the game as much as I care about everyone else having a good time and just playing the game.

My son is beginning to get into board games so that's fun to explore with him. He's not ready for Arkham, but we've got Catan Jr., Ticket to Ride: First Journey, and a few others that are great introductions.

My son and I made a Fire Truck board game. We designed it together; he told me what needed to be there and I came up with the board and cards. We sort of drew things out one evening then I started putting it together the next day. Kids games are hard to do anything with beyond just having them at home. Game Crafter won't publish kids games because of the laws and regulations associated with them.

There are some really great kids games out there: Sneaky Snacky Squirrel, Ticket to Ride: The First Journey, Race to the Treasure, The Magic Labyrinth, etc...

I'm currently working on a game for a local restaurant that the company I work for owns. It's pretty good so far, but I'm still test playing it and making some changes.

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
Welcome Scott!

Welcome to BGDF! Jump in to the excitement as we have individuals asking for assistance with editing rules, play testing games, and all manner of activities which enhance our hobby.

Before becoming a published designer, I spent years playtesting games, proofreading material, and advising on military matters as I've spent more than two decades in the Air Force. Follow your passion, while helping others follow their passion.


sheeptree's picture
Joined: 03/15/2017
Hello! Welcome to the forums!

Hello! Welcome to the forums! :)

john smith
Joined: 06/26/2017
I too Reside in the Land of

I too Reside in the Land of Cheese and Beer. Looking to move back to my previous area in the Northern Burbs of Milwaukee. "Gotta get dat money" though. :( I know of a game printer that may be able to help you if you're interested.

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