Not talking about co-operative gaming, sadly.
I spend an unhealthy amount of time here and at the forums for Adventure Game Studio, because both give me that much-needed community for my various creative pursuits. That said, I've noticed one thing that is distinctly different between the two cultures is that here, a lot if not most people are working alone on their own projects, while there, there is a lot of incentive to collaborate by bringing their skills together on good projects.
Am I way off-base here? Are there teams forming behind the scenes that I'm not observing?
If the primary driver is profit, then this makes sense. This is, after all, an industry with low barriers to entry for those who self-publish.
But for people who think just aiming to recoup one's investment in a boardgame is a great target, there are always benefits to having a partner dedicated to a project, both in lowering the individual cost of entry, keeping parties motivated and bringing new perspectives and ideas to entrenched concepts.
I have at least twenty more-or-less original thematic and mechanical game concepts that I think would benefit from a dusting-off with a potential partner. Likewise, I'd love to offer assistance to a project that brings something new to tired themes and mechanics.
So, just kicking this out there. Optimists, interested in kicking around some project ideas? Cynics, interested in convincing me that online partnerships to produce tangible goods are a bad idea?