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board game website design

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Joined: 12/31/1969

Hi All, I intend to set up a website for a family board game with an animal theme. Any views on what it should contain please? I mean is there any point listing the game rules themsleves which will be in the game anyway? I plan to include a play guide, a history of the design of the game , image of the game box , faqs etc. have I missed anything ?
Also if anyone could suggest some examples of nice board game websites I would appreciate it. Many thanks in advance . Super-ape.

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
board game website design

I would like the site to have pics of the board, cards and any other game components.

And the rulebook would let people have a better idea of how the game plays. A simple description might help, but to many people having the chance to read the complete rules might make the difference.


Joined: 12/31/1969
board game website design

Days of Wonder does nice sites for their games, like and

-- Matthew

Joined: 04/23/2013
board game website design

I always enjoy those websites with flash/shockwave/video tutorials of game play. You can really get a feel for a game by actually watching it being played.


Ska_baron's picture
Joined: 08/02/2008
board game website design

I would voice agreement with seo that I for one am a hundred times more likely to buy a game if I've read the rules for it. Not showing the rules almost seems to me like the designer's trying to hide something.

Also, I agree with Darkehorse on the spiffy tutorials! Check out a lot of Avalon Hill's games for demos, especially Betrayal at House on the Hill (

Best of luck!


board game website design

I'd suggest creating forums. If I really love a game it feels great to have a community where I can talk strategy or comment on parts of the game. Plus you could have any rule clarifications, announcements, etc.. in there. Its a great place for those people who really love your game to get together and create a "buzz" about the game. Of course you do have some administration work to keep up on this but I think it would be worth it.

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