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Con of Champions - Have fun and help Tabletop Events!

Tabletop Events - Con of Champions - Virtual Game Convention

Trapped at home and looking for some fun?! Come play or run some games at our virtual convention called Con of Champions on May 23-25.

Sign up to play games. Social distancing will be a lot less boring with all the new friends you'll meet at Con of Champions.

We've already got a bunch of games up on the site, but we need more. Use Tabletopia, Tabletop Simulator, Roll 20, Fantasy Grounds, Skype, Zoom, Discord or any other online platform to run your favorite games. Submit games you want to run!

Dungeon Dare 2020 Update - Online Demo

In Dungeon Dare, press your luck as a brave hero seeking treasure within the depths of the dungeon. But beware, get too greedy, and the creatures in the dungeons will overcome you! Dungeon Dare is played by 2-4 heroes, ages 7 and up, in about 10-15 minutes. Draw cards one at a time trying to collect the most treasure while avoiding creatures. Draw just one more card...we dare you!

New: Custom Game Scents at The Game Crafter

Many people in The Game Crafter community enjoy the smoky campfire smell that occurs when we manufacture games with laser cut components. However, for those of you who aren't fans, we added 5 new scents that you can apply to your game. We hope you enjoy these new options and we plan to expand our collection later this year.

Check out the product video at

Ravenhall's Town Crier #11

The primary purpose of Legends of Ravenhall's Town Crier is to inform and unite the tabletop game community. As we continue to pursue this purpose, we are evaluating an option to contribute content to, or merge with, a digital magazine to expand our outreach. This could lead to reformatting the Town Crier, or curtailing the Crier in its current form and transferring to the new one. We will update you on the progress of this potential development and, either way, will continue to serve our game community!


-Legends of Ravenhall

Quest Adventure Cards(tm) — 2nd Edition : Updated some cards

Well I took some time off from Editing TW and just sat there and looked at the "Quest Adventure Cards(tm)" 2nd Edition alpha cards. These were just some SAMPLE cards while I work on the various concepts in the game. So now I have SIX (6) cards... I've only designed these cards...

Covid-19 Effects on The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter - The Leading Print On Demand Game Publisher

Due to Covid-19, the governor of Wisconsin has issued an executive order to temporarily shut down in-person activities at all non-essential businesses. The good news is that we are not a non-essential business! The bad news for you is that we’re going to be processing orders slower due to new safety measures.

Design A Game Project - 8 Week project for kids to design a board game. From Idea to published copy.

We are excited to follow along with Adam & Michelle Game School as they walk through an 8 week series on board game design. This is a school project for students that takes them from concept to print using The Game Crafter.


Monster Keep — Third Prototype

Well the good news is that I'm working on a THIRD (3rd) Prototype for "Monster Keep" (MK). And while the game has "changed" A LOT (True...) I believe it is for the BETTER. I gave myself SIMPLE "rules" to follow and see what the result could be.

Some of those rules are:

A> I wanted a Battle/Duel/Take-That kind of game.

B> I wanted it to be SIMPLER than Pokemon.

C> I wanted the game to play between 10 and 15 minutes.

D> I wanted a format that could support Deck Construction.

E> I wanted to have a format that could sell from an online store.

Analog Version: Three Sisters

Came up with some physical components to test out some mechanics for Three Sisters. The "hexinos" or "heximos" or whatever turned out pretty nice and are certainly functional.

I also created single-hex tiles, both for the center/start of the game (for which I made the Beehive) and for the random tiles.

Protospiel Denver

The Game Crafter loves to support indie board game designers and we are happy to sponsor Protospiel Denver with blank prototyping components, assorted game pieces, and promo cards. Protospiel Denver will be held March 13-15 2020 at the Ramada Plaza in Northglenn, Colorado.

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by Dr. Radut