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questccg's blog

SpellMasters — Re-think

While I was under the impression that this design was at 80%... I may need to re-think that a bit. I was planning to write a "book" to complete the amount of "Monsters" available to play against. However I realized that this might be GREAT for the "Players", it's not really great for me! Hmm...

What can I possibly mean? Well I was leaning towards a D&D component like a "Monster Compendium" with over 200+ Monsters to battle. But I realized two (2) things:

1. The Book may be too much for first time players.

Planes of Aria — Introduction of a NEW design

The "working" title of this game was called "Titans" and I had been working with a Swiss Toy Designer a few years ago. Anyways he deleted the forum we had been working on the design of "Titans" and had gone MIA.

I now got some *NEW ideas* for the game after watching a The Dice Tower video from the game Labyrinth. Yeah I'm not at all impressed with that game but it did introduce a "fantastic" mechanic, namely moving of TILES. That's when I got my inspiration...

Monster Keep — The Next Generation

Well I have been working on "Monster Keep" (MK) yet again... Thinking about the game, the deck size, the deck construction, and strategies surrounding these elements in the game.

So my original idea was to feature fifteen (15) monster cards that could be used in a multi-round mathematical contest. The earlier concept made me to make a pyramid of different "paths" allowing more than one path to victory.

Monster Keep — Revisiting an older design

I've had a bit of "free time". Or more so what to do with this "EXTRA" time. I was discussing with @Fhizban different Archon concepts as he too seemed interested in developing an "Archon Board Game". Meanwhile I was exploring a Card Game ... And it didn't have anything SPECIAL. There was really nothing unique with this Card Game...

SpellMasters — Just wrapped up the Monster Micro Deck composition

One of the remaining aspects of the game (and I'll admit that the design is 80% done) was the Monster Battle Decks. Obviously the Monster Compendium is not fully written ... Never-the-less I managed to hash out thirteen different types of "Attacks" and realized that some may "recycle" and others may get "discarded" when their action(s) play out.

What remains to do is COMPLETE the "Monster Compendium" that comes with the game. That BOOK will contain ALL the enemies that you can battle. Of course you can expand the game and "invent" new or "mod" existing Monsters.

Quest Adventure Cards(tm) — 2nd Edition : Design under review

I made some correction to the "Raid" cards, specifically now the ICON used is a "Demon Head". This now gives you the "bad-karma" feelings you would get when the opponent plays such a card AGAINST you. Much more "nastier"-looking now! (LOL)

Simply the WRONG size!

Well I received my Rulebook for "Crystal Heroes" (CH) this week... And for one thing, size matters! I chose the smaller format 3.5" x 5.0", thinking it would be sufficient enough for players to refer to the rules or read them for the very 1st time.

That MEDIUM format is simply put: WAY TOO SMALL!

I have a hard time reading my OWN rulebook, let alone allow this format to be used by my Backers (and players)...

New design: Syndicate.North

I haven't blogged in a while. I've been mostly involved with the administration of the website and contributing to other threads by offering comments with things to consider or reflect upon...

I know this is a Board Game forum... But like some of our designers... I too am looking to diversify my portfolio.

As such I'm learning Video Game Design.

About 4 years ago, I bought a $75 professional license for a game development suite. I left it there and didn't touch anything.

Crystal Heroes — What to do about end-game scoring?

I recently updated my prototype of "Crystal Heroes" (CH) and did a playtest. There was "more" Area Control and ties to the table. However, I have a question about the end-game scoring. Specifically, what to do when neither player collects more "Chaos Gems" than the other (tie) and the scoring of their Lord is also not an all-out victory. So, say a score of 7 versus 8 (Nine being the victory goal).

In my opinion it's too close to award a victory...!? What do you think?? Should this be a "stalemate"?

Crystal Heroes — New Preview of the Logo being worked on by my Artist

Here it is SO FAR... Almost completed too! The one on the LEFT is the NEW one and the one on the RIGHT was something that I made (yeah not as pretty for sure):


I just basically need a 5 x 5 inch @ 300 DPI hi-res version. One on a White Background and one on a Black Background...

But it looks WAY COOLER than the previous logo that I had made myself. If you've never worked with Artists, I'd really recommend it ...

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by Dr. Radut