Usually when I design games I start grand, and with each iteration the chip away mechanics to find the core of my design. I'm trying to do the reverse, and I'm hitting roadblocks.
My main mechanic is an action selection via dice. Players roll a few d6 with sides [1,1,2,2,3,3] and choose which ones to use for the turn. Players can only select up to a total number from the dice sides per turn. For example, you roll 5d6 and get [1,1,2,2,3] and your threshold for the turn is 4. You can then select: two 1's and one 2; two 2's, or one 3 and one 1. Actions you can use on your turn require a 1,2, or 3 die-face to activate. Generally speaking, the higher the die-face, the stronger the action (because it uses up more of your turn's threshold).
And that's all I have! Part of me is interested in having turns semi-simultaneous, where both players roll the dice and take turns selecting one from their pool to use for actions; the other part of me is interested in players having turns and figuring out what they want to do with their actions. I like the former because it forces players to adapt to their opponent's strategy and makes turns more engaging.
However...that's all I have! I want it to be interactive, with many opportunities for player disruption (I don't want to make a solitaire game) but I really have no idea what kind of game this mechanic would work with.
Does this sound like a fun mechanic in the first place? Any themes/ideas? Anything is appreciated :)