I am curently working on a deduction game of sort where al players team up to catch a criminal that have comitted som horrible murders.
I need some help with coming up with a game mechanic that helps the players to find out where in the city the murders have taken place, they onley find the bodies where the murderer left them.
And I am al out of ideas, so some help pleas =)
Thanks for the idea, it was helpful somewhat. But I am leaning thowards a more co-op game where the murders have already taken place in the town. Onley you do not know where, the players have found the bodies in there dumpsites. And have to deduce where the murders tok place from some sort of clues.
And sins there is several dead bodies, 3 at the moment, the "place tiles at the start" sems rather tricky to get it to work with the deduction element. Whitout haveing a player playing the killer.