I have ideas for a choose your own adventurish game. It will be cooperative, and the main thing I'm concerned about is replayability. The game is going to be kind of like Tales of the Arabian Nights where you look up paragraphs and sentences describing what is going on in the world around you. In addition, as events are triggered (card draw), NPC's and enemies will have certain areas on their cards indicating paragraphs to lookup. For example, after the game plays a turret card, players will look up it's intro text. The intro text in the quest book might say something like this, "All of a sudden, you hear metal clanking. An ominous looking turret emerges out of the floor and starts locking onto you.". After the turret shoots at you but fails to hit, the card will have a section saying where to lookup a failed shot. An example sentence may look like this, "The turret says in a menacingly low voice, 'Goodbye losers.' and you hear a clicking sound. The turret says, 'Blast! My gun jammed! I'll take care of you in just a minute.'"
As I said before, I'm concerned about replayability. I am going to try and randomize things by having a deck of events, so that should make the order of events in the quests different each time. The main thing I'm concerned about is the narrative getting stale. If the flavor text is the same each time a card pops out, I think the game will get boring from repetition. Here is my idea of how to combat this. Each narrative event lookup will have a static page number plus a variable paragraph number (a d20 or something). When a narrative is activated the player will roll a die and lookup the text in that paragraph.
Obviously, this is going to be annoying to design because I'd like to have about 10 different narratives per event and this will require a lot of writing. But, do you think this would be a good way of keeping the narrative fresh?