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Tracking health, ideas?

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Hi all,

I was wondering if you guys had ideas or tips to tracking *individual* baddies health...

As of now, I am not tracking individual health because it seems to be too difficult a task.

For example, when *moving cards*, counters also need to follow. Depending how the card moves, it could accidentally touch another cards counters.

Another example is if there are a LOT of cards in the battlefield, keeping track will require many counters... Counters can also tip off a player's cards (by simply knowing what color and how many counters a card has).

Note: I am tracking a PLAYER'S HEALTH using a sheet of paper and a pen. This is ok.

Q: Any ideas or tips for tracking *individual* baddies health?

Joined: 04/08/2012
Cardboard with pegs

The Wolf and Cub game used part of the game box that 10 to 12 holes for the pegs for the main character and his son. For battle their were cards with numbers at the bottom. If the number was higher than the enemies, the hero gained a point and moved a peg forward. Vice versa when the enemy had attacked.

Shattered Empires
Shattered Empires's picture
Joined: 10/16/2012

Most gamers have access to dice. In the WoW:TCG that is how most of us keep track of health and damage. It's a simple matter to leave up to the players to keep track of it. Or you can provide nifty damage counters ala Runebound.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Damage counters... duh :)

Shattered Empires wrote:
Or you can provide nifty damage counters ala Runebound.

Ya I forgot about damage counters... Maybe like numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4... If I had like 1 counter per card that would not be too bad.

The thing is that I have card STACKS (one card atop another). But maybe a 1 counter maximum would work... I am thinking about limiting the card count to 25 cards per side (not that this happens very often... but still possible).

Right now I am using d6s for the combat system. I think I might consider changing to d12s... The reason is that there is more room to add bonuses (like +2 or +1) in addition to respecting the rules for colors (>3 for bonus, >6 none and >9 penalty). Anyhow I have bought the d12s and will play test with those...

Since the game is still in design, I don't have much play testing data to see what strategies the player's use to try to dominate the game. So I don't know what kind of card counts to expect...

But thanks for the *damage counters* idea... Maybe it might be possible to track with counters (My Power ratings go from 1 to 5, so counters need to go from 1 to 4).

Shattered Empires
Shattered Empires's picture
Joined: 10/16/2012
Damage counters.

A concept used by Nightfall was that the orientation of the card indicated the remaining health. I need to know more about how the game works before making more suggestions.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Game play

Shattered Empires wrote:
I need to know more about how the game works before making more suggestions.

Well the battleground is divided into 5 stacks. At the bottom of the stack is the card which is in control of that stack. Each player wants one of their cards to be in that position. However, only 1 player can be in that position.

Next players can STACK cards on top of "the bottom-most" card as defending cards (must be beaten 1st before battling the card on the bottom).

Each card in play is a unit which is conjured onto the battlefield. A card must be conjured into play and does so by starting in the middle stack, at the very TOP. Next a player uses his Action Points (APs) to move his cards around. Moving left, right or deeper into a stack all cost 1 AP. Moving left or right AUTOMATICALLY places your card at the TOP of that stack. This means that it is quick to move between the stacks, but it takes time to go deeper into any given stack...

I think plain damage counters with value 1 to 4 (Life of a unit goes from 1 to 5) will do the trick. It is easy to move a card and its counter. With up to 25 cards in play, that still is not too bad... There are only 30 unit cards ... so 25 in the game is nearly all cards...

Like I said I'm not certain about how the games will unfold: will players stack cards and then attack afterwards or will there be skirmishes right from the gecko.

RGaffney's picture
Joined: 09/26/2011
rotate system

1-4 You could have a rotate system.
Turn it to the left for -1 upside down for -2, left one fore for -3 and upside down for dead.

You could also have an additional rotating card that goes near the bottom of the stack with an arrow pointing to where you are in terms of life on each top card. Move that octagon or what have you around to count hits, pick it up and move it with the stack no problemo

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
What I want to avoid

I wanted to avoid a *rotating* card system. I think it would be *messy* with having some cards turned one way and others another...

I checked with The Game Crafter (TGC) and they have *Shards*. 70 shards to a sheet for $3.39. I am thinking about using the *circular shards* which are 0.75 inch in diameter. This is for a prototype of the game since TGC does not have enough polyhedral dice colors... I need 5 colors of d6s and d12s: Green, Blue, Red, White and Black.

The nice thing about the shards are they can be printed in full color on BOTH sides. So I may use a damage icon on one side and a value on the other!

Note: The two sides of the damage tokens is cool since after a unit battles, players can re-hide both the card and it's damage counter... Basically it means when cards get re-arranged, you need a real sharp memory. This is cool, the game could appeal to people trying to exercise their memories.

Joined: 02/01/2013
Out in left field.

Not sure if this will work:

Health is printed on the card itself, at the bottom from 0 to Max Health (well say 4), with each number written inside of a box. You can then use a plastic clip that can move to represent the current health of that card; slide the clip to the far right for Max health and, as damage is taken, move the clip left until that card is dead. Then remove the clip and use it on a new card.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Hidden information

silasmolino wrote:
Not sure if this will work:

Health is printed on the card itself, at the bottom from 0 to Max Health (well say 4), with each number written inside of a box. You can then use a plastic clip that can move to represent the current health of that card; slide the clip to the far right for Max health and, as damage is taken, move the clip left until that card is dead. Then remove the clip and use it on a new card.

That is also a novel concept. However I am favoring the Damage Counters because you can re-hide them after combat... So it makes it that cards will have a counter but the value will be hidden until a battle ensues.

Joined: 07/12/2012
Are cards unique?

Are all of your cards unique?

If need be, you could have a separate sheet with just the name of each of the cards and circles to fill in/cover to mark health.
(So your unicorn line might have 1 circle that when the unicorn is cast, then you put a marker in that circle. When it dies, you take it away)

It can be ugly/kludgy, but it also might be cool.

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