This is just very very early prototype for a game that I just thought of. I call it 'Battle of Lost Angels'. Basically two teams attack each other's bases while attacking each other.
That's about it.
You have to give a little more man... This is incredibly basic. Is there another mechanic worth developing on?
Battle Los Angeles is the title of a 2011 sci-fi movie (noted in a top-ten list of Aliens Too Stupid To Actually Exist).
There was also a false alarm in Los Angeles during WWII that prompted a massive barrage of antiaircraft fire over the Pacific, and that event is sometimes refered to as the Battle of Los Angeles.
No. No. This is all I had at 3:00 AM. I have more now for the game but the public doesn't need to know.
Thank you for the concern.
We are currently working on new character classes to play with. There will be ten classes with five different variations, it's called repeatability folks. In total there will be 52 cards. We so far have seven classes done. It's not much but it's something
That is all.
Ladies and gentleman; boys and girls, gather 'round gather 'round!
We have a list for the first four starting decks!
Read and enjoy;
•Core Deck - 17 of 52 cards.
•Evolution Deck - 0 of 52 cards.
•Fusion Deck - 0 of 52 cards.
•Shadow Deck - 0 of 52 cards.
That is all! More to come!
I think what he's saying is that your game has little for us to gain any real interest. Sure, you have mechanics being developed for it, but give us something worth trying. If not, the game is very basic, cookie cutter even, that its fails to be even consider mediocre.
As I had said before, this is all I had for the game. There is more now but I don't need or want to tell the public. This is in the 'New Game Idea' fourm, what I have for the public now is good.
Thank you for the response and please be patient.
Thank you for the response and please be patient.
1) What you have described is barely an idea. It gives zero information on how it plays, nor how it is different from anything else.
2) Withholding information on your game instantly identifies you as a complete amateur. Noone will take you seriously if you do that.
3) There's little value for the community in what you have been posting so far, nor there's any value that you might get from others due to 1) and 2). As the result, your posts so far are a complete waste of everyone's time, including yours, and are largly ignored.
*cracks knuckles*
(Music Begins)
(Credits Roll)
(Fade In)
*clears throat*
Man #1:Don't interrupt the music!
Man #2:Yeah! Get on with it already!
Man #3:Scott!
Anyways! Our news today is that 20 of the 52 Core Deck have been completed. Only 32 more to go!
Man #7: They know how to do math!
Sorry! I know. I'd same them the trouble! Anyway!! That's I have have!
(Fade Out)
(Credits Roll)
(Episode End)
I like the idea of the game. i get why you don't give alot of details for your game. is the game mechanic like "yi gi yo" in yi gi yo you defended your life points. but instand of lifepoints itsa base . keep up the good work
The game is a TCG/board game/card game fighting game. You use cards on a board to fight over bases, which have health points, while the players, using the character cards, fight with eachother.
You can trade and combine cards from different decks to assemble your own. That's where the TCG aspect comes in.
If you have anymore questions, please ask.
Nothing has gotten done.
Twin Eagle Graphics
Independent Studio
Oh it has been oh so long. Let's review!
-Finished the 'Core Deck' with 30 unit cards, 10 attack cards, and 10 formation cards.
-Finished hand cutting the 'Venus Deck'
-Wrote more for the storyline.
That is all for now folks.
Could you enlighten us with mechanics or rules?
What makes your game special, compared to other games?
Well X3M this is how it basically goes. Each player has a deck of 30 Unit cards, these are your characters, 10 Attack Cards, these add extra attack, and 10 formation, these add extra health etc, and 1 base card. Unit Cards go as the following,
Card Name & Movement Number
Weapon One
Weapon Two
Weapon Three
Speacial Ability.
Your base card is your main centeral operation and it has the most health. Other players will try to attack it with their unit cards as you dfend with yours.
That is about it.
Why would players want to play your game?
That is what I meant with the special aspect of your game.
I am not asking for secrets in unique mechanics.
It should have something, Unique, with capital U: That will call for players to come and gather to play your game.
Do people play your prototypes?
Assuming some did. How did it go?
Do people play your prototypes?
Assuming some did. How did it go?
You asked for rules and mechanics.
I gave you two mechanics. Nothing about that was secret.
If you wanna know what makes my game special, you're going to have to be patient. Wait till I release more information when the time comes or till my game is done.
Thank you.
I don't think X3M was asking about your game's Unique feature out of idle curiosity... it was more of a reminder that your game will need to have a Unique feature to succeed in the marketplace.
The Unique feature certainly doesn't need to be a mechanic, though you should ensure that none of your mechanics work against the thing that makes the game Unique.
After these last few months mentioning of your game idea to , not just this community but to the world and finally completing your first prototype deck, the core deck as every one calls the beginning deck.
What does it mean to you ,"I finally have come with the first deck with all of these other decks in mind. Now to start working on those other decks, ugh". In more of a simple term of asking,"How do you feel after completing your first core deck?"
Does your game have to be unqiue or special to be looked at to be bought or playtested over and over again? Even if it is mediocre or simple or plain and not picked up and bought, you should feel accomplished that you created and designed something. Years from now, after say the game has been out on storeshelves or on the internet for sale, some one will remember your game and they had fun.
And when I say ,"Your game" I am talking to everyone one this website. There are thousands upon thousands of games on known and unknown heard of game sites that you will never hear of or never play but the majority of word of mouth or the popularity or advertisement makes them get known. So a game or storyline or mechanic does not need to be special or unique to be remembered or picked up and played. Its the social converse during the game makes it special.
The epic fails, the epic hits or epic defense from the critical attack. That is what makes a game unique in my opinion.
I have more to say, but right now is not the time.
Supertooned has alot to go on through out this game design. He added this game to this website just to talk about it and to learn. Even if there are no rules yet or there are some rules to develop for this game, there will probably be alot of rule or guideline editing. Just something to think about.
Also he has never mentioned that his game was special or unique.
Everyone on this site is to learn different ways to develop a game not by the so called,"This Is the Way You Should Design Games And not by Any other way".
Everyone has an opinion on a game should be made. Its called,"Opininated Rules".
Thank You
Bows respectively.
So another piece of information that ya might want to know is that the attacking system is like an RPS-3. You get three attacks to choose from but you can only use one once per round.
That’s it.
Hello! Long time, no see. Here are a quick few updates on the game.
-Yes. The game is still in the prototype field.
-I’m still working on the Venus Deck.
-I have to finish three more decks before I will be done with the first 5 Core Decks.
That’s about it.
Have a nice day!
Elliot Brooks
Twin Eagle Graphics Studio
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There was also a false alarm in Los Angeles during WWII that prompted a massive barrage of antiaircraft fire over the Pacific, and that event is sometimes refered to as the Battle of Los Angeles.
Thank you for the feedback FrankM, but we did our research and know about both these things.
We have seen tons of movies, even bad ones *cough cough* TreeHouse *cough cough, and have seen Battle Los Angeles and my game is nothing like it.
Secondly; We know about The Battle of Los Angeles. My team and I are paranormal investigators, we do our research.
The game is nothing like the movie or the actual historical event in 1942. The name is fine.
That's all.