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i have an idea

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Joined: 08/11/2009

im new here i have a idea i have made a prototype cards like yugioh an pokemon alike i have no game making or programing experience at all i was wondering if any one gave me some advice on how to do an make it i just think of ideas and write them.i like to see if i could get this game out into the world i like to have 2 types of this game one would be like buying them from a shop or store but i like to have a online game like the mobwars on facebook i have a title name its quite catchy well my kids like it. i aint the best drawer in the world i designed all my pics i want to use my self just using paint on any pc or laptop i be happy if i could get any advice i wont know if i ask.

the theme is based in the future where vehicles like cars bikes trucks etc which come from distant planets to fight each other to the death also i like to write a book about it someday if any1 has advice or ideas or if you could help in any way let me know thanks.

Armydillo978's picture
Joined: 05/11/2009
Are these AI (artifically

Are these AI (artifically intelligent) bikes/trucks/vehicles? Or more akin to Car Wars, with drivers?

Joined: 08/11/2009
can be something like robot

can be something like robot wars tv program or like the facebook game called mobwars

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