Welcome to our first Designer Diary entry! This series will focus on our experiences during the game design process. Today we’ll be writing about our new game, The Primary.
The Primary is a light, election-themed game where each player is a candidate during a United States presidential primary election. Over the course of the game, players campaign across the country – gaining influence, running advertisements, lobbying to Super PACs, and more, all in the hopes of winning delegates. Simultaneous action, area control, and action programming mechanics keep each round exciting until the very end!
We feel that there is currently a solid base to the game, with some fun mechanics and lots of positive feedback from local playtesters (so far 21 playtests with 11 different playtesters)
With the hopes to get some blind playtesting done, we just released a Print and Play version of The Primary. If you are interested, click here to sign up!
We also just recorded a podcast this week with Chris Anderson at The Board Game Workshop! It was a lot of fun and a really good learning experience for us. It was great to be able to chat about The Primary and navigating the game design process. Make sure to check out The Board Game Workshop on iTunes and you can also find them on Twitter – @TheBGWorkshop
We’re currently working to incorporate some new concepts to the “basic” version of the rules. The idea is to have a basic set of rules for new players and those looking for a lighter experience, and an advanced set of rules for those who have played The Primary before or want more complex gameplay.
Our concern is that the current basic set of rules may not provide enough depth or complexity for more serious board game players. Additionally, we feel that we can provide higher replay value with some of the new concepts and mechanics.
Next Steps
We have done two playtests adding some new ideas using variable player powers, objectives, and random event cards. So far they seems to accomplish what we’re hoping to do, but can definitely use some more thought and tweaking.
Thanks for reading our first Designer Diary entry! What else would you like to hear about? What did you find boring? Feel free to share your thoughts and comment below!
Yeah, I was hoping to add a picture or two to this designer diary... but couldn't figure it out yet haha.
We kind of just did it by gut feel - at we followed the actual 2016 delegate count of the Republican party (they had ~2,000 delegates compared to ~4,000 for the Democrats.) From there, we wanted the regions to be about the same geographical size, with roughly the same delegate size (obviously with some variation, to keep it interesting) Honestly, the regions came out pretty well from our initial design. We haven't yet tried moving around states from one region to another.
To make the math simpler, we eventually scaled the delegate count from 2,413 to 240 and made each region have an even number of delegates (to help with the case of tied votes)
Also, another shout out to Chris Anderson of The Board Game Workshop podcast! I think what he is doing is great, and I hope it finds success.