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Sprite based card game brainstorm

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jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017
sprite ex.jpg

I would like to come up with a sprite based game, either card game with tile addons or just cards on their own. would rather the latter but i could change my mind

The first idea i had was using tiles but i might not go through with it as it will be a big project doing it on my own. The idea was 2 to 4 players 3 vs 1, players using character cards and avatar meeples move across dungeon style tiles meeting random monsters and traps produced by the enemy player. When they reach the end, the players reach the end boss which of course is the solo player. Usually, before the game starts, 3 players wander off while the solo player sets up the board set up the tiles and traps. the traps are double sided so when a player walks into the room which is an empty room but then the tile is flipped over to reveal the trap. It is a lame idea and i didnt think of it any further

The 2nd idea is just a normal card game, each card belongs to certain clans or realms or something cliche like that, and will only benefit each other if they're used in a deck together. could be some hero cards or monster cards or any type of RPG elements. Kind of like those jprpg when you have a team of 4 or so characters and each take turn attacking the other team. If there are any jrpg type card games out there i would like to see for insperation

Well that is all i have..again the card design will be pixel based with sprites etc

Joined: 03/27/2014
You need to play Boss Monster

You need to play Boss Monster asap.

Joined: 04/02/2018
RyanRay wrote:You need to

RyanRay wrote:
You need to play Boss Monster asap.

I agree, but only to check out the wonderful artwork and feeling the game gives off. That game falls flat. Doesn’t have any tension or progression or interaction.

I like the concept of an “approachable” dungeon builder / dnd type without the heavy dnd. I don’t know if that’s what you were going for, but I think it’s a solid idea. There could be some nice conflict and tension as the dungeon boss grows stronger as the party travels through it.

bottercot's picture
Joined: 02/06/2018
For the dungeon-style, as

For the dungeon-style, as another idea, the player being the "boss monster" could have a deck they draw from with traps and monsters, and they could play traps/monsters when a hero enters a new room, to try to hurt them. This would keep the boss player engaged and create potential for him to exploit weaknesses in different hero's stats.
Also, maybe cards could be spread throughout his deck that, when drawn, increase his boss strength, so that the longer he keeps the heroes from reaching the final fight, the stronger he gets. This would also give him incentive to play cards, in order to then draw cards that make himself stronger.

jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017
Thanks for the game

Thanks for the game suggestion, i decided on the latter idea for now as i believe it will be quicker and easier to do, plus i already have come up with a playstyle

This is what i have so far

you have 2 decks, a hero deck and an action or whatever you like to call it the deck. This deck is full of assault cards that you need to use to attack your opponent's units

So far this is the type of gameplay im going for

To start the game you send top let's say 8 cards from your action deck and place them face down, this acts as your life points (i might change it later so there could be another way to win the game but for now it's this)

Start by drawing 5 unit cards and place them on the field, 3 units are in front and 2 units are in back, at this stage you can choose which unit would be at the back and which units are in front. you then draw (ill go with 8 action cards) to your hand. you can mulligan once per turn

So if you want to attack, you play action cards and your unit will attack the opponent's unit, the opponent can defend and play defend cards at this point. When a unit dies it is get sent to the discard and your opponent draws from the life deck and adds the card to his hand. when your unit dies you can draw from your unit deck and place it on the field however you can only do it on your turn. As for the action cards you will always need to have 8 cards in your hand so at the end of your turn you need to draw from your action deck. On your turn, you a free to mulligan any number of cards in your hand. The cards you draw from your life are just a bonus so you cant mulligan the card you drew from life

Each unit is a different class

names are subject to change


Warrior have even hp and atk but on the low side of the numbers

Tank have low atk but high hp and comes with an additional stat called shield, (when units attack a tank, the shield goes first before the hp so if my unit has 5 atk and you have 5 hp plus 1 shield, your hp goes down to 1 as i had to break your units shield first. If i do not kill your tank on my turn then your shield is refreshed but your hp remains at 1)

Barbarian have high atk and medium hp, the barbarian can bypass shields and attack the units hp directly, so if your unit unit has 5 hp and 4 shields and my barbarian have 5 Atk, then your unit is killed as it ignores shields

Mage has high Atk and low hp, they can only attack the back row units, so it is best to have your mage at the back row since the warrior, tank and barbarian can only attack the front row

Healers do not have atk instead they have heal and the numbers are varied between the hp and heal stat

healers do not need action cards to heal however there will be action cards that can help the healer out, same goes for the tanks, however you will need action cards to defend when using a tank, example if you don't have a taunt action card then your tank cannot take the damage when the opponent attacks

Warriors, barbarians and mages since are all damage classes need action cards to attack. some units might even need 2 or 3 assault cards to attack. or i might make some with special abilities such as IF you use more than 1 assault card on 1 unit will trigger its special ability

It is all i have so far. I posted a image of what the cards might be

jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017
let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Standard Actions for All

Why not have standard actions for all classes, even those you label as damage classes? Can you think of a way that this might work?

I suggest it because having a hand with a minimum of 8 cards seems like a lot. You may be able to cut down on this hand management by having only buffs to certain actions in the draw deck, leaving the attacks as a standard action for the specific units the player adds to the field.

Additionally, without Attacks as standard actions there's a chance that a player will not be able to make an attack simply because they lack the card to do so. Having a hand full of cards, and having to resign oneself to saying, "Oh, I can't do anything this turn!" can be incredibly frustrating.

jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017
let-off studios wrote:Why not

let-off studios wrote:
Why not have standard actions for all classes, even those you label as damage classes? Can you think of a way that this might work?

I suggest it because having a hand with a minimum of 8 cards seems like a lot. You may be able to cut down on this hand management by having only buffs to certain actions in the draw deck, leaving the attacks as a standard action for the specific units the player adds to the field.

Additionally, without Attacks as standard actions there's a chance that a player will not be able to make an attack simply because they lack the card to do so. Having a hand full of cards, and having to resign oneself to saying, "Oh, I can't do anything this turn!" can be incredibly frustrating.

Yeah that’s true with not getting cards you want, that’s why you can mulligan on your turn.

I just wanted to try something different instead of the generic card battle system

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