Hey everyone, we are a group of design and IT-students AND rpg players for about 3 years AND board gamers. We started with common rpg titles/systems like D&D and DSA. This was quite hard at the beginning. To be honest, for rookies or beginners it is a bit work preparing their first round. But knowing the joy and fun it is worth it, for sure! We want to make rpgs more accessible to rpg interested board gamers or friends who are not familiar with rpgs! There is nothing we found that suits to guarantee an easy access. Finally everything boils down to a 5 hour preparation, 4 hour char creation, 2 hour rule explanation... very exhausting (for newbies).
This is why we have started with our mission: Making rpgs more accessible like boardgames! Rpg to play in a different way with simple rules, easy preparation and get started similar to an classic boardgames.
We think a digital device (like a smartphone or tablet) could help people to dive in a world a rpg story describes! So our first web app prototype is designed to help to dive in their universe they created by playing. What do you think? Is this a way addressing board gamers to play rpgs more like board games?
Link to our prototype: https://yora-adventures.com/app/
Have fun testing it!
thanks for the bug report. I want to answer add. your questions:
How can the players gain (or lose) an item? (in their interface, I mean)
Not possible now, but in dev ;)
Need a button to return to the map from the subscreens. (just found it.. making it a bit more obvious might be better)
-> We will thanks
Bea the Tailor apparently speaks Deutsch
Yes thanks. The prototype is available in EN and DE, depending on your Language settings you set on your computer/cell etc., guess we have to bugfix this !
Does the game/prototype end when you exit the city gates?
Yes, Next chapters are in dev. but so far this is the end. Maybe of course we have to make this more obvious to!