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Feedback on character card design and artwork

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Turnstone Games
Turnstone Games's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Curiosa Character Cards

Hi everyone.

I'd appreciate some feedback on the graphic design and artwork on these character cards for the game I'm working on called Curiosa. It's a game in which dice are used in conjunction with character cards to acquire island tiles. The aim of the game is to gain the most fame by discovering new species, artifacts, temples, etc.

Top textbox: Character's name and profession
Red icon: Recruitment cost
Dice icons: number of dice the character allows you to roll
Icons on the side: Minimum dice roll required to activate that skill
(Skills are in order: discovery, endurance, language, navigation, problem-solving, strength). These icons aren't originals at the moment so will need to be changed for the final design but it would be great to hear what you think about their general appearance and ease of interpretation.

These are only 3 of 20 characters and the idea is that there would be a fair balance of gender and race across the 20.

I am particularly interested to know if you find the character artwork appealing/engaging enough.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.


Turnstone Games

StepJohn's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Hey Ollie! I think the

Hey Ollie!
I think the artwork looks great! It's definitely unique and represents the characters well. Overall I like the design on the cards too. The one potential concern might be the dice icons. I'm not sure what the max dice count would be, but if you have more than three it may seem cluttered. Something that may make the cards look a bit better is making the dice icons and the icons on the side a bit smaller.
Great work!

The Odd Fox
The Odd Fox's picture
Joined: 01/19/2017
Wow! I really love this

Wow! I really love this style! It's simple but conveys a complexity at the same time. Very cool!

Turnstone Games
Turnstone Games's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Hi Stephen

Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the kind words!
The maximum number of dice any character has is 3, but I agree that the icons might crowd things a bit. I'll try out making them smaller.
Thanks again for the feedback.

Turnstone Games
Turnstone Games's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Thanks Odd Fox

Thanks for the comment Odd Fox. I'm glad you like it!

radioactivemouse's picture
Joined: 07/08/2013
Very clear, but...

I like the simplistic design. The pictures contrast well with the paper background, the numbers are clear and the style shows through.

The only thing I would have to note is that the text is in danger of being unreadable. It's the serifs on the letters that are kinda distracting and could be read wrong or seen as something else. Right now I can read the current cards ok, but I'm thinking it might affect other cards.

Other than that, I like the look.

Turnstone Games
Turnstone Games's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Hi Radioactive Mouse

Hi Radioactive Mouse,

thanks for the feedback.

I agree that on certain letters, the font I have chosen is quite difficult to read. It's a shame because I really like it when it is legible. But I guess I should have a look at others and find one that works better.

Thanks again,


Adam Leamey
Joined: 02/23/2017
Your cards are very well

Your cards are very well designed nothing in particular jumps out at me in regards to changes very well done I look forward to seeing more of your game.

Turnstone Games
Turnstone Games's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Thanks Adam

Thanks for the kind words Adam. It's much appreciated.


let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011

Yes, if you plan on using a certain font, double-check and make sure the numbers are readable as well.

I think your choice of icons is fantastic! The different skills icons seem distinct from one another but altogether united in graphic theme. Nice choices there.

StepJohn's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017

I think the font could be fine.. i can see the potential issue RadioactiveMouse is talking about, but you will just have to try it for each character's name and see. It goes really well with the theme though.

tikey's picture
Joined: 03/31/2017
Cards look pretty good

Cards look pretty good overall. I'd say that maybe having a bit more space between icons and text might help make them feel better (making them a tiny bit smaller), right now seems a little bit packed

Joined: 11/05/2015

I second what's been said- great look and design. The icons are maybe a little too scrunched-

As another more detailed critique- there is a mix of 3D and 2D graphics.
The background (paper and scroll header) give a 3D impression with gradient shading, but the red icon, vertical banner/icons (and figures, though they are a little more 3D, the style is a mono-shading vs a gradient shading) are flat. This gives the impression of two separate: the "scroll" and everything else that is pasted on; vs the whole card just being the "scroll" (if that makes sense). Maybe a little nit-picky, but I think giving a universal "shading" style across the cards would take it the next step to a professional level: either choosing the mono style of the characters or the gradient style of the background.

but overall I like it a lot- as you said the icons are going to be replaced so maybe the uniformity is part of your plan anyway.

Turnstone Games
Turnstone Games's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Thanks Let-off studios

Thanks Let-off studios. I appreciate the feedback and am glad you like the icons, I will look closer at the text and see if there's a better option

Turnstone Games
Turnstone Games's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Thanks Stepjohn

Yeah maybe I can just avoid people's names that are hard to read! Haha. Thanks again for commenting

Turnstone Games
Turnstone Games's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Hi Tikey

Hi Tikey,

Thanks for the feedback.

Funnily enough this is something I've already amended slightly since posting the design so hopefully it looks less cramped now. Although I forgot about spacing between text so thanks for reminding me!


Turnstone Games
Turnstone Games's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Hi Spaff

Thanks Spaff for the indepth comments.

You make a great point about the design consistency and I agree it is an issue. As you guessed, a few of the items are placeholder designs (including the scroll and stamp) and I hope to make the final design more uniform. But I hadn't thought about it in much depth so your comments have been very useful.

Thanks again


Joined: 05/10/2017
I think there's a little bit

I think there's a little bit of clashing between the scroll that shows the card name and the rest of the card. It might look more distinct if you added a drop-shadow under the name scroll, or gave that bit a thicker border.

I love the overall design though, the silhouettes and bold iconography look like a commercial product.

Turnstone Games
Turnstone Games's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Thanks for the feedback

Thanks for the feedback Duskkaras. Particularly happy to hear you say that some of the designs look like commercial products!
I agree that the scroll needs some work and doesn't quite fit with the rest of the card as it stands. I will definitely try to remedy this.
Thanks again!

evansmind244's picture
Joined: 04/09/2015
I love the Art. I did

I love the Art. I did initially think the Endurance Icon was a Skier....once I read your post and took a look at the icon again it looked like a Hiker on a hill side!!!

Turnstone Games
Turnstone Games's picture
Joined: 05/02/2017
Thanks Evansmind! I'm glad

Thanks Evansmind! I'm glad you like the artwork. Yeah the icons have been a bit tricky and nobody I get play with seems to call thing by the right name, but I'm not sure it matters. They seem to enjoy calling them things like magnifying glass, compass and do as fistbump!
Thanks again for giving feedback

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