Hi everyone.
I'd appreciate some feedback on the graphic design and artwork on these character cards for the game I'm working on called Curiosa. It's a game in which dice are used in conjunction with character cards to acquire island tiles. The aim of the game is to gain the most fame by discovering new species, artifacts, temples, etc.
Top textbox: Character's name and profession
Red icon: Recruitment cost
Dice icons: number of dice the character allows you to roll
Icons on the side: Minimum dice roll required to activate that skill
(Skills are in order: discovery, endurance, language, navigation, problem-solving, strength). These icons aren't originals at the moment so will need to be changed for the final design but it would be great to hear what you think about their general appearance and ease of interpretation.
These are only 3 of 20 characters and the idea is that there would be a fair balance of gender and race across the 20.
I am particularly interested to know if you find the character artwork appealing/engaging enough.
Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Turnstone Games
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the kind words!
The maximum number of dice any character has is 3, but I agree that the icons might crowd things a bit. I'll try out making them smaller.
Thanks again for the feedback.