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Graphic design question: Bribe VS Pay

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Joined: 11/05/2015

I'm revising my current action selection mechanics and have come up on a road block.

I'm trying to think how to visually represent the difference between a "Bribe" action and a "Pay" action. And also do so using only free images pulled off google haha... both actions are visually represented by handing money to someone. I'm hitting a wall thinking how one might translate the semantic difference into icon form.

I know I can just write "Bribe" and "Pay" instead of using images for playtest purposes... but I like trying to get images if possible. Plus this is a bridge I'll need to tackle at some point anyway.

Any thoughts? The theme is wild west by the way. Mechanically speaking your either bribing your opponents units or paying your own, or doing some combination of both.

Joined: 01/27/2017
Money changing hands

I think the easiest way would be to have one icon of money changing hands OVER a table for paying and one icon of money changing hands UNDER a table for bribing.

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Cash Register vs. Handoff

I'd suggest you use the image of a vintage/old-skool cash register, like the ones shown here:

Maybe even just the pop-up "price tag" images would be sufficient.

For bribes, use any of the hand-off cash images. Here's one:

Super-Tooned's picture
Joined: 07/10/2017
Bribe vs. Pay.

Well, whenever a bribe is given in a movie or TV show, the person is often winking or keeping it secret. Try to find an image like that for bribe, such as this one.

And for pay, any old image you think is good will do.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Keeping it simple

Why not simply have a dollar sign ("$") for PAY and a "stack of money" for BRIBE. Something simple like that.

Note: Just to clarify the OP says "I'm hitting a wall thinking how one might translate the semantic difference into icon form." So my suggestion remains... I would suggest nice looking icons.

Plus with the Western theme ... you could use a Western looking FONT for the dollar sign ("$") and use photoshop effects to make it look glass-like or even golden too.

The "stack of money" is a bit harder to find a nice icon for it... I'll leave that up to you. Could be a "bag/sack of money" too... Like "Hands Up", that money is mine...


Super-Tooned's picture
Joined: 07/10/2017
questccg wrote:Why not simply

questccg wrote:
Why not simply have a dollar sign ("$") for PAY and a "stack of money" for BRIBE. Something simple like that.

Spaff already said that they would perfer an image. Its a good suggestion but I wanted to make sure you knew.


Joined: 11/05/2015
what I ended up with

Thanks for all the comments.

I'm ending up just using the words "bribe" and "pay" for now.

I'm using an old west looking font which is evocative enough of the theme to satisfy me.

Based on all the comments it seems, however I end up representing it, a BRIBE needs to clearly be indicated as being done secretly (under table, with a wink) and PAY needs to be clearly open in contrast (over table, open hand off, etc)

I realized any of the ideas I and you all had for an image/icon would require some Photoshop trickery and that's a little beyond what I'm going to do for this stage of prototyping.

As it is the prototype is clean, understandable, and uniform so I'm happy. But this was a helpful exercise for me.

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