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ISO Tablet Coder for Stat Sheets

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RadarLockGames's picture
Joined: 12/31/2015
Fleet Wars Ship Sheet

I am in search of someone that can write code for a tablet.
Like the old character sheets of D/D where the player wrote in stats on paper with pencil as damage or stats changed, these numbers were erased and added over and over. My navel game uses the same concept; paper and pencil for ship sheets. This has worked very very well over the years but looking for a change. I have even toyed with dry-erase maker and boards, grease pencil and the such. So here is my idea, instead of paper and pencil, the stat sheet would be in an electronic format and with a finger or stylus increase or decrease stat information as the game is played. I am looking only for a way to increase and decrease numbers by pushing an up/down arrow. Obviously I am not very computer savvy. I asked my 10 year old (since she is the computer whiz) but she is busy at a friend’s house for a sleep over so she told me I had to wait until gets home. Sucks being old and out of the computerloop. :)
Maybe a tablet coder is not the exact title but something along those lines.
How realistic is this idea?
What would some like this cost?
Maybe drop it on a USB thumb-drive to drop is on a tablet?

Thank you in advance!
Radar Lock Games

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Couple of options

Well the most "obvious" solution is an Android Phone App. Of course this means nothing to me, meaning I don't have experience coding Phone Apps. But such an App would be COOL because you "Download" it ONCE to your Android phone and then you always have it.

The next option would be "much easier" but limiting. And that's to develop a simple "web page" and host the file using some Javascript and some images, you could do exactly what you want. This is EASY as pie to do... The problem is that you need to either be online or have Apache installed on your tablet to locally "host" the file. Not as elegant a solution like the Phone App.

The final option would be to write a Windows Program for the software. This should also be possible ... but I'm not a Windows Coder, but I know using a Dev Toolkit and write a simple program should also be possible. The GOOD thing is much like the Android App, once you install it to your laptop or your Tablet... That's all that is required (no Internet).

If I was the one making the choice, I would go with the Android App. Mostly everyone has a phone... But I have no clue HOW to code phone apps. Let alone adding software to the Google Play Store, etc.

I'm more of an Internet Web Engineer (I design medium to large scale applications used online or given special technology with their own infrastructure). I'm not well versed in Microsoft C# programming (Option #3, nor do I know much about code phone apps (Option #1).

While option #2 is feasible, it's a bit MUCH just to display a webpage with some Javascript to do the job... It's like using dynamite to rid yourself of rats! LOL

Cheers mate.

Note: The web form would be as SIMPLE as PIE! But it will only work using Chrome and Opera.

RadarLockGames's picture
Joined: 12/31/2015
Thank you!

Thank you for the input QUEST!
I did not think it would be to hard to do. Just getting those first steps completed by asking and obviously learning the correct jargon to ask for exactly what I am looking for AND finding that person to do it.

I often feel like a chimpanzee smashing the computer with a rock and saying "it's in the computer?".

Any additional thoughts would be helpful...

radar lock games

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Here's a sample...

I tried it and it works... But it's a bit "primitive" ... And only works in Chrome and Opera.

Give it a try... There is no "formatting" (CSS) although I think it would be possible to STYLE the form and all its content.

Download it LOCALLY (Filesystem/C: Drive) and open the file using one of those two (2) browsers... It should work!


Note: You can take a look and EDIT it to which "Default Value" you want per field or the "Maximum Value" (all set to 30 now) or even the "Step Increment" (all set to increment by 1)... Lastly you can choose the "Minimum Value" too (all set to 0 currently).

Update: Just to let you know this is Option #2 (Hosted file). No Javascript and since there were no images, I didn't add any either. Like I said if you DOWNLOAD (Save As...) locally, in whatever folder you put the FILE (.html), you can ADD a "styles.css"...

Here is the link if you want to "style" the page:

Feel free to play around with the Stylesheet to get it to your liking. You'll have to become more familiar with CSS if you want to change the look of the page.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
As I am "hosting" the file...

You can feel free to use the HTTP URL in the previous message (for the .html file) since I am hosting that file.

If you Download it locally, you can edit it and make modifications. If you want, I can take the modifications and "re-host" the file so that it will have YOUR version as the default.

Remember you can't SAVE anything. The most you can do is PRINT to a PDF.

Also if you change the CSS, that too is hosted and if you make modifications, I'll be happy to upload YOUR version as the default too!

The hosting of the file means that ANY DEVICE with Internet access can get access to the form. If you download it and copy it to multiple devices, well that's your choice. The bad thing is if you make changes to the file on ONE (1) device, you'll need to COPY that file again to ALL devices.

With the "hosted" version, you have access to one version, but it can be the most UP-TO-DATE version and all I need to do is UPLOAD your latest version. Really it's up to you...

This is a Freebie since I didn't want you to go to some Android App developer and them telling you it's going to cost you $5k to develop. It may well be more difficult to code the app, but this hosting the file is a simpler way - but is barebones too.


RadarLockGames's picture
Joined: 12/31/2015

Thank You Quest!
That is the direction that I want this to go.
My ultimate goal would to have four or six of these ship sheets side by side or top and bottom and as the player takes damage/critical times then it would be a simple up/down of the arrow key.
this is a great start for me to start tinkering with it. I swear I will put away the rock for now.

thank you again.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Tip for you...

If you plan to have SEVERAL of these sheets per PAGE... Well you'll need to NEST the "Tables". What I mean is to have one master table and the other 4 or 6 tables within it.

If you know this, it's not too difficult. But not knowing HTML5 is perhaps the toughest part...

This should help you out on editing the HTML page:

< table width="100%" >
..< tr >
....< td >
......< table width="400px" >
........// all of table #1 like in my original file
......< /table >
....< /td >
....< td >
......< table width="400px" >
........// all of table #2
......< /table >
....< /td >
....< td >
......< table width="400px" >
........// all of table #3
......< /table >
....< /td >
..< /tr >
..< tr >
....// repeat for sheets #4-#6 (like above)
..< /tr >
< /table >

Ignore the "." this was just to make sure the information was properly "indented" (for easier comprehension).


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