Hello everyone, I have a new version of the character sheet and I value all opinions. I am in the final stages of the game, final changes to the look and feel of the game. Here is the character sheet.
- 15 through skull is the health counter, a meeple is placed on 15 at the beginning of the game.. Skull = death
- The blue shard lightly covering the 7 is an indicator as to when you can use the blue vorpal shard during the game.
- The sides of the card are reminders to where the attack and defense zones are.
- The 4 darkened boxes are the one time use ability. A cube is places on each start to indicate it is still available.
What do you think of the look and feel. The organization and positioning of the different items.
Does it look too busy? Any feedback is welcome
It was suggested on twitter I put up a before and after, so here is that as well.
Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it very much! Yes, the character sheet in Gods of TYN HARRA is a big part of this game. When you see you have spent all of your abilities and there are no more cubes on it, you get a sense of "Did I spend my abilities too early?" I love that part about the game.