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Mini's and I mean Mini's

7 replies [Last post]
Joined: 04/30/2009

I am finishing a game design that I had in a dream (weird right? We shall see...) and it involves miniatures, not the Hero click, DnD type, but a tad smaller, for example, Risk sized miniatures. Does anybody know where I can submit an idea to have some created, or any idea at all?

If you are curious about the game I am creating, do pm me. I'll give you a little insight.

Joined: 01/06/2009
Mini hunt

I too created a deep wargame and wanted special characters about the size of RISK soldiers. AXIS & ALLIES mini have some nice sized Oficers, apart from that, I've yet to find any others suitable.

The cost of making them is too expensive, if it's still just a prototype. In the end I just used different coloured RISK pieces to represent different characters. Good luck....maybe you dreaming of my game?! :)

Joined: 04/30/2009
what I really would like to,

what I really would like to, since I have a lot of extra pieces lying around, is make my own, but that would be very very time consuming, so I will just do with what I have till I can figure out where to go from there. I just posted the concept/basic rules on the Game Idea page. Knowing my luck my idea is already out there.. =( Well see, I am working diligently on it now.

mcwookie's picture
Joined: 08/10/2008
Viktory II Writeup on Miniature Creation

Probably not overly helpful, but Peter Morrison of Morrison Games (of Viktory II fame) has a writeup on what it took to produce Viktory II. He talks about designing, selecting, and producing the miniatures for his game, which are probably the same scale as you're asking about:

mikedrys's picture
Joined: 11/13/2008
Shapeways: 3D Printing

I don't know if you'd be interested in this, but offers 3D printing. You have to design your pieces using 3d software and then upload them and they'll print them (different materials and different prices). I have some modeling experience and have an account. Here's what I've done for a couple of my games:

Also, I've got a post about the ship and the title here with pictures:

Jpwoo's picture
Joined: 03/26/2009
Try googling 6mm miniatures.

Try googling 6mm miniatures. This is a pretty common wargame scale that might be close to what you are looking for.

Joined: 04/30/2009
First of thanks for all the

First of thanks for all the responses.

Second, with VIKTORY II, he doesnt list the people who made the models after he drew them, so a tad hard for me to find out who did it (thank you though, I will try to contact him and ask him personally, well see.)

Lastly, I went to school for 3d modeling, so It' WOULD be useful. I'll have to dive into that a bit deeper. How much were costs of pieces? Roughly.

Thanks again all.

mikedrys's picture
Joined: 11/13/2008

Check out this page for pricing info:
Toward the bottom it talks about price per cubic cm.

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