Hello all!
Recently join and wanted to see what tools people were using out there (not for printing) but the actual setup and analysis of cards.
At my recent job, some folks had suggested MSE (http://magicseteditor.sourceforge.net/). This has been working fairly well for me as it provides the ability to setup a card with an image with some amount of flexibility. I am not using the majority of the MtG based features in the program, but as far as setting up basic text, getting in an image, flavor text, and art descriptions, it seems like a solid tool. The ability to do statistical analysis with it is pretty helpful as well.
I was using straight spreadsheets before, but transferring those to something that was nicely printable was not terribly easy. I do miss the ability to do the detailed analysis on costing and power that I had so I will probably be back porting my current prototype to that and vice-versa.
So, to get back to my question, has anyone been using/found/aware of a prototyping tool that can
Add mse_designer to that tool chain and you have the beginnings of a powerful prototyping system from design to play.
I was talking with a friend who actually created a web interface to input data into MSE templates. I'm working on getting the next prototype of my game done with my existing tools, but after that's done and I'm in playtesting mode, I'll use extra the time to see if I can string some of these things together into a package.
Wouldn't it be great if you could:
-Input data in a google sheet (so you can balance out numbers and whatnot)
-Use webtool to edit pictures / Customize templates / import data from sheet
-Export to a tool that lets you play it (assuming the HUMAN system is capable of enforcing the rules)
All in one go? I know that would save metric *tons of work on my end particularly if I'm doing solo player testing.