Hello, I'd like some input on a simple logo I did over the last few days. While I probably won't use this, it's a big step towards a more realistic looking logo. My artwork has always been really "Cartoony", and I have zero graphic design background. While I am happy with this one, I just hope I'm going in the right direction!
Opinions on logo
I just checked out your logo. Lighten the bottom of all the letters and numbers to a more subtle color. The red shading to black shading muddles the contrast of the bottom of your font. Meaning: Difficult to read.
Specifically someone who designs LOGOs. You'd be AMAZED what a "professional Designer" can transform this mediocre logo into something much more impressive. To me this version is very "amateurishtic"... You can tell it wasn't designed by a professional designer.
But it's a GOOD starting point.
At least it generally "describes" what your "concept" is supposed to be, now all you need is for someone to take this CONCEPT and create a REAL LOGO from it...
I'll message you a few contacts on my facebook account that may be able to help you out.
Best of luck to your game.