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perforated game board

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Joined: 11/29/2009

Does anyone know where I can purchase a game board that has a square grid composed of tiny holes that perforate the board?

-Eberhardt-'s picture
Joined: 01/30/2015
Little out of the box idea for you


The first link has a few companies that can print a board game for you with a grid (not sure on the tiny holes that perforate the board).

The second link shows how one gentleman created custom coins with a punch method. If you are looking to create a cut-out for a prototype this may be a way to go as you can create the grid with most printers and from there do some of the work yourself with a Arch Punch and mallet. This way you can take out the holes. I would assume you can have a custom tool made based on price if you need a square.


Sub Link:

I hope these help.

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