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Plastic Miniatures

4 replies [Last post]
Joined: 06/04/2010

Grettings everyone.

I was woundering if enyone know any manufactures that produce some "cheap" costum plastic or resin miniatures.

I was hopping to make some for my game but i can only find "metal" miniatures manufactures.

Thanks in advance.

- pala

Sasachaz's picture
Joined: 10/03/2008
Plastic Miniatures

Hey, so usually cheap custom plastic miniatures is not possible because to make plastic minis you need a mold, and molds cost $500+ easily. However, a easy way to get around this, for prototyping only, not for selling a game (because it's relatively expensive) is Check it out :)

Hope this helps!

Cheers, -Cody

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Sasachaz wrote:Hey, so

Sasachaz wrote:
Hey, so usually cheap custom plastic miniatures is not possible because to make plastic minis you need a mold, and molds cost $500+ easily. However, a easy way to get around this, for prototyping only, not for selling a game (because it's relatively expensive) is Check it out :)

Hope this helps!

Cheers, -Cody

might be good for prototypes but too much for finished games.

Remember you'll need to mark everything up 500% to make money unless you only sell direct and that is it's own problem.

Clever Mojo Games
Clever Mojo Games's picture
Joined: 04/19/2009

Wow, what a cool me soooo many ideas. :-)

Pastor_Mora's picture
Joined: 01/05/2010
Cheap depends

"Cheap" depends on how many molds you'll need. If you'll need one mold to make 500 minis for each game, that won't be as expensive as making 500 different minis for each game. In a 1000 game print run, the first choice will cost you 500.000 units of a single mini, and the later will cost you 1000 times 500 minis. And that's a big difference. Hope this makes sense to you.

Keep thinking!

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