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Prototype Printing Options?

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Joined: 08/04/2008

Do you find it better to print from a local print shop or from an online one? Which do you get better results from? And better pricing?
I found Minute Man near me to have reasonable prices at around $90 for a large prototype approximately 30-40 pages full color thick glossy cardstock cut folded and scored where needed for tiles.
Thier card stock isn't the heaviest available but it seems to work most times. for tiles i'm getting them done so they will score them over and i'll use spray adhesive to glue them back to back that way they will be thicker.
is $90 too much for this though? i haven't found anywhere online to get a cheap print of 1 copy of a game for playtesting purposes.

Redcap's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
You could do it cheaper

You could do it cheaper yourself, but it would take a while. If $90 isn't to important to you it sounds reasonable, however, I would rather invest that $90 into my own prototyping material and do it myself. It may take longer, but you are building assets for later proto-typing you may need to do later.

Joined: 08/04/2008
Materials for later proto-typing?

What kind of things are you talking about? Like for this prototype I got some thin foamcore I'm going to be matting the board to. I need to make it a 6 segment folding board which might be difficult since I never did that. Some electrical tape should help to reinforce the folds though.
I never found a color printer that prints that nice of prints for a reasonable price so I just have a cheap cannon. And it cannot handle any form of card stock.
I'd much prefer under $90, but I'm trying to think reasonably with the amount of things I have to print.
Time doesn't mean much I've waited this long so I can wait longer. So if you have a cheaper way that would take some time I'd be all up for hearing it out.

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
6 folded board

kodarr wrote:
I need to make it a 6 segment folding board which might be difficult since I never did that. Some electrical tape should help to reinforce the folds though.
I never found a color printer that prints that nice of prints for a reasonable price so I just have a cheap cannon. And it cannot handle any form of card stock.

Some help for the board: think of it as three single-fold boards joined together by two folds on the back. Here's a picture I draw some time ago to illustrate the concept:

And here are a couple pics of a 6-fold board made with regular paper printed on a color laser and mounted on 1mm chipboard with duct tape hinges:

Don't use electrical tape. The adhesive is not strong, and your board will pay the price. Book binding tape is the best option, but duct tape works perfectly fine and might be easier to get and less expensive. Chipboard is also less expensive than foamcore, and is what most game boards are made of.

Good luck!

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