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Spray-on lamination?

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schtoom's picture
Joined: 08/31/2009

Hi everyone!

I've got a board assembled, but the top is just plain old cardstock that I've printed on and I wasn't smart enough to think of laminating it before assembly. Is there a product that you can spray on paper to give it the resistance to liquid and Cheeto-fingers that lamination offers?



Joined: 09/15/2009
You could try a spray coat of

You could try a spray coat of some sort. But, if you don't cover the board completely, you run the risk of portions of the board being susceptible to water, etc. Plus, a spray coat may warp the board when it dries.

You could take your board to an office supply place, poster printing/mounting place, or Kinko-like place and see if they could laminate it.

Freelance graphic design for small game publishers

truekid games
truekid games's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
i would say look for clear

i would say look for clear contact paper (contact paper is label paper, sort of, except it's usually used to line shelves)

truekid games
truekid games's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
(double post, sorry)

(double post, sorry)

schtoom's picture
Joined: 08/31/2009
Unfortunately, contact paper

Unfortunately, contact paper isn't a solution since I'll have to punch holes in it to match the holes punched on the board. It's a lot of holes, not fun to do. The card stock is adhered to the wood underneath very well, so I'm not too worried about warping. A bigger concern would be something that alters the colors of the board. So is there a spray-on option that will make the cardstock surface a little more resistant to the things that you would expect to find while gaming?

Joined: 08/09/2008
Screenprinting option...?

These guys sell various "overprint varnishes" that you can apply with a silkscreen and squeegee...
Not tried it yet but had a conversation with the guy and it sounds straightforward.

Might be worth an email...?

schtoom's picture
Joined: 08/31/2009
It looks like a definite

It looks like a definite possibility. Thanks a ton!

Joined: 04/14/2009
Although it seems like you

Although it seems like you might already have a solution, if you wanted to try a spray on lamination, but you're worried about it changing the color...could you print out a small section of your board and simply spray some stuff on it to see what happens? I believe cans of this stuff are around $5.00, so it's a pretty inexpensive solution if it works.

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