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Tool to do graphics for a very big discount? Just checking...

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Redcap's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008

Hi, I am just testing the water to see if there is any interst in this at all.

Filter Forge is a node based texture creation tool, that is able to output bump maps, normal maps, diffuse maps...( )

I am an active member of the Filter Forge community, and because I have submitted filters to them for about 3 years now I have earned several copies of FF professional version for free. (Check out their rewards program if you are confused )

The website currently is offering a preorder discount price of Version 2 for $229, full price marked at $399 ( )

What I am checking is if there would be any interst in buying Filter Forge version 2 from me for an even larger discount price of $150.

I am not officially selling these copies yet because I am currently in communication with Filter Forge to work out all the smaller details of how to get you the product so there is no doubt that it is legitimate. Also seeing if you can use version 1 until version 2 comes out... things like that.

So if you are interested just let me know, I will put you on a list and pm you when I get the details worked out through Filter Forge and see if you are still interested.

Again, this isn't you committing to buy anything, just seeing if anyone is interested. I currently have 4 copies that will be up for sale

Redcap's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
P.S. It works as standalone

P.S. It works as standalone or with photoshop...

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