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Using Isocahedral hex maps

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

It's an idea I got after browsing some old RPG material.

In one of my game, I have a world hex map. The map is simply rectangular with an hex at the top and the bottom for the north and south pole.

But there is another kind of map which could be interesting but I wonder if it would be actually easy to play with. They are called

Isocahedral hex maps

Here is some samples I found on the next
(I can't find a way to place then directly in the post, so you'll have to click on the link).

In a board game, maps like these can easily be created using a hex map spreaded across the triangles. Here is a template map I could use.

Now How playable is this map is?

First problem, there are half hex. So the egde of the triangles of the top and bottom emisphere should be made of water to make sure they match what ever the terrain. Problem, if units can move on sea hex, it becomes unclear where you are.

Second problem: It might not be very clear to visualise where you are and where you can move ( for the top and bottom emisphere). Sure you just move the hex across, but not sure if it would be that easy to play. If land are connected over these hex, it might not be obvious.

Third problem: Can it be made as a modular map? Using triangles like this makes me think about gheos. In gheos, the land cover the whole side of the triangle. For my design, I tought either it connect to half the triangle's side. I have drawm some demo maps and it gives good results. But 20 triangles is a lot, I tought maybe having pannels of 4 or 2 trangles and then tile them as you want to recreate the world map.

In order to eliminate the half hex problem, I think there is a way to place hexs in an isocahedral shape without using half hex. The only problem is that it makes cutting much harder to do.

Using other shapes could also be interesting and more simple. An easier shape could be the 8 triangle (8 sided die) map.

Other kind of projections can be found on this web site. Very interesting.

JumpingJupiter's picture
Joined: 08/24/2008

That's very cool! I don't see why the edges should be straight. Why not cut it around the hex edges?

bluesea's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I think these projections are

I think these projections are cool too!. I've been working on a game with this one:

Really great primer on map projection over at the same site

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Quote:Why not cut it around

Why not cut it around the hex edges?

I intend to publish by PDF. Asking use to cut all the small segments of the hex would be a pain to do. But cutting a triangle or a diamon is easy, not much work.

I tought I could make a diamond (2 trangles) fit on a 8-1/2x11 shhet and then tile them. But i am scared that if I make land connections in the lower and upper emisphere, it would not we very clear where you could move ( in fact you just need to cross over). There is also the problem that you cannot really place units on these half hex.

It could probably be done by removing half hex from 1 side and sending them to the other side. If I use a white trangle to fir in the gap and add the missing hexes on one side. OK, it was badly explained, let just say, there would not be any half hex if I print the half hex on a empty triangle inserted between the map hexes. By adding white triangles, I could make the final board rectangular.

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