Hey all,
I'm working on a game that requires a "battle-wheel". There will be two circles, stacked on top of each other. The circle underneath will have a bunch of numbers written around the outside edge. The circle on top will have a notch cut out so that it exposes just one number on the circle underneath it.
I bought a compass-type thingy with a blade on it hoping I could score the circle a bunch of times and eventually cut though the chipboard, but that's very tedious. I keep screwing up and losing the center point. (even though the compass cutter has a nice, metal pin that's supposed to secure the center when you cut around it.)
I hope my example is clear and I hope someone has a few tried and true tips to give me for cutting this out so that it looks good. Earlier attempts have been pretty raggedy.
While we're at it, does anyone have some ideas on how to secure the two circles together in such a way that they stay nice and tight, but not so tight that the circle on top can't turn to expose the numbers on the bottom? Rivets from Home Depot? Brads? Nuts, bolts, and washers?
Thanks, Bernster!
I've got a Dremmel tool and I was thinking about using that somehow. My problem is that I don't really want to purchase a bunch of special materials just for this one project. Your idea of clamping a round, metal can lid is good, too! A couple of stacked CD's might work, although now I have to figure out how to notch a CD cleanly without shattering it. The beauty of that plan is that I can use standard CD labeling equipment (which I already have) to create the artwork and stomp it onto the CD. I might be able to find grommits that will fit through the fairly wide holes, but even if I can't , I can probably figure out a way to fill in the hole with something and THEN use a grommit.
To answer your question...it's not a spinner. It's going to be used to determine the number of troops you want to commit to battle. When you invade a territory, you commit a certain number of troops, plus you'll have some special cards in your arsenal. So...the wheel is merely a selection mechanism. I like your idea of using grommits! I've used the anvil type before, but I think I'll try to get a clamp to do it...I feel like I might have better control over how tightly I clamp things together that way.
Wonderful ideas! I appreciate the help!