The Game Crafter's Laboratory made some sweet 1-of-a-kind Hourglasses for Ed Baraf at Pencil First Games. Ed also host of the "Gaming with Edo" youtube channel and he had The Game Crafter's CEO, JT Smith, on it for the big reveal!
The Game Crafter's Laboratory - Making 1-of-a-kind Hourglasses
Now comes the part where TGC gets paid to figure out how to MAKE these Hourglasses for a real game! Prototypes are cool and give you a sense of what things could be like. However the REAL CHALLENGE is now taking those one-off priceless prototypes and making them available in an actual game!
But I'm positive that TGC has the capability to deliver if such was the task that had to be done.
BTW would be nice to see Edo Baraf doing some Reviews for TGC and it's community. Edo is well respected when it comes to Reviews and having another channel for all the TGC Designers would be very interesting too.
I had no idea... I didn't realize that he was a part of the TGC Community of reviewers. ATM one of my designs is in ART ... But when I get the prototype checked by my Developer and he gives it the thumbs up (or more like what are the corrections needed to get the design to 90%) ... Then for sure I'll see if Mr. Baraf would be willing to do a review!
Very cool ... Indeed!
And those hourglasses were indeed very novel and extremely well executed to get the final version of each one. My personal favorite is the Bat Wings, just because I like the "theme" (Bats). But yeah the squid has a lot more detail in that you could see the tiny suction cups through the glass... But thematically the Bat Wings (personally) appeal more to me.
Thanks for pointing that out... I'll be sure to contact Mr. Baraf to ensure that he is willing to do a "preview" once the prototype is ready!

He does review TGC games. Just ask him!