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[GDS] January 2011 Game Design Showdown - "Remember the Time"

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sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

January 2011 Game Design Showdown - "Remember the Time"

Please Read: Details on entering the Game Design Showdown.

Voting for the January Game design Showdown is now closed!

Kind of a disappointing or anticlimactic month for the GDS - most likely due to the 1-page design contest at BGG. Only 2 entries this month, and each one got 2 votes, for a tie!

So congrats to both entrants this month, you're both winners :)

Hopefully next month the GDS will be more active.

Main Design Requirements:

  • Theme Restriction: None! This month feel free to come up with whatever theme you'd like.

  • Mechanics Restriction: Memory. For this showdown your game should have a memory element, but not the kind you might be used to - rather than the players needing to remember certain aspects of the game state, the GAME should have some kind of memory or some way to record the game state (or at least part of it), such that the game can be reset to that state on a future turn if need be.

  • Mechanics Restriction: Rock-Paper-Scissors. This month's games must use a Rock-Paper-Scissors comparison in a non-trivial way. This does not mean that you must literally use "Rock," "Paper" and "Scissors" in your game, just things that have the kind of relationship. For example, the new Sid Meier's Civilization: the Board Game has a somewhat sophisticated RPS system for combat.

  • Submissions: Tuesday, 10-January-2011 through Thursday, 20-January-2011.
  • Voting: Through Thursday, 27-January-2010. PM your votes to sedjtroll.
  • Voting Format: Each person has 6 votes to distribute any way they choose among the GDS entries with the following restrictions:
    • You may not assign any votes to your own entry!
    • You may not assign more than 3 votes to any single entry.
    • You need not assign all 6 votes.
  • Comments or Questions: Comments and questions about this Challenge were handled on the Comments Thread.

  • CRITIQUES: After voting has closed the entries will be posted for comments and critiques. Post constructive critiques and commentary about the entries to this Challenge in the Critiques Thread
  • GDS Details: For more details on how these Game Design Showdown Challenges work, especially the details around the word count and graphics limits, visit the GDS Wiki Page. Enjoy!
sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Entry #1 - Loop Inc.

Loop Inc.

Time is Money

3-5 Players/12+/45 Minutes


Each player contracts a time machine for Loop Inc., which provides exclusive time travel trips to willing customers. (Assuming all the appropriate wavers are signed, of course) The game is played over the course of a standard business week, but the players will actually play the week 5 times. Each week the players will place Action Tiles along the week’s Time Track, and then play through the week. After the week is over, the players will start back at the beginning – but the actions placed in the previous rounds will still be on the track! The players will now add additional actions, and then resolve the week with their old and new actions. After replaying the same week 5 times, the player who made the most money wins.


1 Game Board

30 Customer Tiles
35 Actions Tiles

10 Trip Tiles

5 Advertising Markers in Player Colors
1 Round Marker
Tokens for Money


  1. Find a Table, place Game Board in the middle of it, Find chairs, place around the table and sit down.
  2. Shuffle and then draw as many customers as there are players for each day and place them in the Customer Slots.
  3. Randomly deal a Trip Tile to each player, place the others next to the board.
  4. Give each player the Advertising Token and Action Tiles in their color and $100.

The Week Overview:

  1. Advertising – Bid for Turn Order
  2. Place Action Tiles
  3. Resolve Day 1 Actions
  4. Serve Day 1 Customers
  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for Days 2-5

Advertising – Bid for Turn Order:

With a randomly selected player, start an Auction for turn order. When a Bid is made, place that amount of money in front of you. Going clockwise, each player by Bid or Pass.


If you pass, you must pay any money you bid in front of you. Place your token in the lowest available spot on the Advertising Space.


Increase the bid in front of you. It must be higher than the previous bidder.

Once there is only one person left in the bid, they must pay their bid and they get the next available spot.

You can pay/bid zero.

In later Weeks, the person furthest behind on the Advertising Track will start the bidding.

Place Action Tiles:

In Advertising Turn Order, each player should place 1 of their Action Tiles on any open space along the Action Track in any of the 5 Days.

Resolve a Day’s Actions:

In the order dictated by the Game Board, resolve the Action Tiles. An Action Tile cannot be skipped, and the players must perform them. However, you are not required to resolve the Actions in the same way you did in the previous Weeks.

The Actions are:

New Trip:

Place your Trip Tile face-up along with the others and select a different Trip Tile.

Increase Advertising:

This is used to increase your turn order, but you must pay to do so. For the following costs, you can:

  • $0 --- Move to the back of the Advertising Track
  • $10 --- Move one space up
  • $20 --- Move two spaces up
  • $30 --- Move three spaces up
  • $40 --- Move four spaces up

When you move up, move the pieces you skipped over back accordingly.

Special Promotion:

Select a Face-up Customer on the current day. Flip the customer tile over and resolve payment as if you selected them during the ‘Serve Customers’ phase. You will not participate in the ‘Serve Customers’ phase.


Select another player’s Action Tile that has not been played yet this Week and flip it face-down. That player will not be able to take that action this Week.

Serve Customers

In Advertising Turn order, each player should select a face-up customer. That customer will go on your Trip, which will dictate how you get paid. When you select a customer, flip them face down and get paid according to the following chart: - Happy: $50 - Neutral: $20 - Unhappy: $0

Ending a Week:

After all 5 days are finished, and this is Week 1-4, do the following:

  1. Flip the customer tiles face-up
  2. Flip any sabotaged Action Tiles face-up (If any)
  3. Give each player their Advertising Token Back. (The person in last place in Advertising will start the next Auction)
  4. Move the Round Token forward by one Your Trip Card stays in front of you, and all of your Action Tiles will stay on the board.

If this is the end of round 5, the game is finished.

Winning the Game:

At the end of game, the players should count up all of their money. The highest total wins.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Entry #2 - Transylvania Castle

Transylvania Castle

Game Description

Dracula is terrorizing the countryside. Go to his castle and defeat him!

Transylvania Castle is solo card game in the vein of Castlevania. You are an adventurer going through Dracula's castle defeating monsters to finally fight Dracula himself.


  • Player Deck: Cards show the possible player actions: Attack, Jump, Duck, Special Attack, each with a number from 1-10, this deck is reused when exhausted
  • Castle Deck: Cards that show normal enemies, castle features, candles, and save points
  • Boss Deck: Cards depicting Dracula and his major cronies
  • Enemy Action Deck: Cards show one of Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue (in a ratio of 1 to 2 to 3 to 4) and may show a symbol that indicates Attack, Jump, or Duck, this deck is reused when exhausted
  • Treasure Deck: Cards showing health, extra lives, points, and ammo, this deck is reused when exhausted
  • Player Board: Shows player's current state: Points (0-50, +50), Health (0-12), Ammo (0-25), Boss Health (0-12), Lives (0-5, +5), Continues (0-3)
  • Save Board: Shows last save point's state: Health, Ammo, and a stack of Castle Cards since last save
  • Marker Cubes

Game setup

  • Create castle deck Take Dracula and 2 random boss cards from the boss deck. Shuffle castle cards and deal 10 cards. Add the Dracula boss card to those 10 cards, shuffle, and put face down to start the castle deck. Take 20 more castle cards and put those face down on top of the castle deck. Insert the 2 remaining boss cards at approximately the 1/3 and 2/3 points of the remaining castle cards and place those face down on top of the castle deck.
  • Set up Player and Save Board Put markers at 12 life, 0 ammo on both boards. Put marker at 0 points, 3 lives, 3 continues and castle level 1 on Player Board
  • Take Player Cards Draw 7 cards from player deck
    • Any time the player's hand is reduced to 2 cards, draw back up to 7.


  1. Draw a castle card
  2. React with a card(s) from your hand
  3. Resolve castle card
  4. Add the castle card to the Save Board

Card Types

  • Castle Cards
    • Castle Features
      • The card shows a door, stair, etc and a color. The player may react with an action card to try and find a secret. If so, draw an Enemy Action card. If the color matches the Castle Feature card and the action symbol matches the player's action draw a treasure card and take the reward.
    • Candle
      • The card shows a candelabra and a color. The player may react with a card from his hand. If an attack or special attack card is chosen draw a treasure card and take the reward.
    • Save Point
      • You may save the game by discarding all of the castle cards currently on the Save Board and matching the markers on the Save Board to those on the Player Board
    • Enemies
      • Card shows the name and picture of the enemy along with its possible actions associated with one or more colors. Fighting is described below.
  • Treasure Cards
    • Most treasure cards show the four colors and may show a treasure associated with it, a point amount, some health, some ammo. The treasure associated with the color that matches the monster reaction card or the candle color is the one that is rewarded.
    • Some treasure cards match all colors, these are cheat codes, and extra lives
    • Treasure descriptions
      • Points Move the Points marker up the amount shown. If over 50 is reached, put a marker on the +50 space (this may be done multiple times) and start counting again at 1, and add a life as described below
      • Health Move the Health marker up amount shown.
      • Ammo Move the Ammo marker up the amount shown.
      • Extra Life Move the Lives marker up one space, moving back to 1 and adding a marker to the +5 space if over 5 lives is achieved.
      • Cheat Code Set this card aside, it may be used at any time (even as an interrupt to an enemy attack) for one of the following uses and then discarded: Fill Health to 12, Fill Ammo to 25, Gain an extra Life, Gain an extra Continue (max 3), Save Game, Restore Save Game without losing a life


When an enemy is drawn from the castle deck the player must fight it. Each card will have the name and picture of the enemy, its possible actions with an associated color(s) and damage done, and point value. The enemy actions are: - Move toward - High attack - Low attack

Fight Sequence

  • The player chooses an action from his hand.
  • An enemy action card is drawn, the enemy performs the action indicated by the color on the enemy action card
  • The action is resolved:
    • Special Attack cards defeat the enemy no matter what and 1 ammo is marked off of the player board.
    • Attack defeats an enemy who moves
    • Duck dodges a high attack
    • Jump dodges a low attack
  • If an enemy's attack is not dodged the player takes damage indicated on the card and the fight sequence is started over
  • If an enemy's attack is dodged the player may combo it with an attack. The player may play an attack card with a number that is higher than the number on the duck or jump card.
  • If an enemy is defeated mark the points indicated, draw a treasure card, and take the reward matching the enemy action card

Boss fights

Boss cards are done mostly the same as normal enemies except they also show how much health they get. When a boss card is drawn, mark the boss's health on the player board and draw back up to a 7 card hand. Each successful attack damages a boss for 1 health and each special attack damages for 2 health. Repeat the fight sequence until either the player's or boss's health is 0.

If the boss is defeated mark off the points indicated, move the player's health marker to 12 and save the game. Then increase the Castle Level by 1.

Dying and Continuing

  • Whenever a player's health goes to 0 you must restore the saved game

    • Reduce the life marker by 1, if the life marker was on 0 then a continue must happen (see below)
    • Match the player board health and ammo markers to the save boards
    • Take the castle cards from the save board, shuffle, and put on top of the castle deck
    • draw your hand up to 7 cards
    • continue play
  • Continuing is slightly different

    • reduce the continue marker by 1, if the continue marker was on 0 then the game is over
    • move the life marker to 3
    • move the player's health to 12 and ammo to 0 on the player board and save board
    • Take the castle cards from the save board, shuffle, and put on top of the castle deck
    • discard you hand and draw 7 cards


If you defeat Dracula in a boss fight you win the game!

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