Hi guys and gals,
Let me introduce you to my new card game: BAHOOCHIE!
If you have ever played Top Trumps then you'll know how to play BAHOOCHIE! It's a very similar game with a Scottish theme and a twist!
Players play with the set of creature cards. Each card features an unique eejit & has 4 categories: GLAIKIT-NESS (stupidity), BEEG & BRAWNY (strength), HAIVERIN' BAMPOT (talking nonsense) and FOOSUM FACTOR (stinkiness). Players battle with the cards trying to defeat the others and ultimately collect all the eejits for themselves.
However in the middle of the table are the BAHOOCHIE cards! At any point, they can change the way the game is played and how rounds are won! The first player to shout BAHOOCHIE! and touch the cards, gets to play one. The BAHOOCHIE! cards can help or hinder you. Sometimes you'll get a score boost, sometimes you may win all together or other times there may be dire consequences!
The game is currently running on KickStarter. If you pop yer peepers over to Kickstarter you'll get a wee video that explains the game a lot more than my measly words can!
Thanks for your time. Look forward to hearing what you guys think.
Thanks! I thought I had tested the linked it worked. My apologies, but thanks for letting me know!