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Greetings from Melbourne.

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Joined: 10/16/2018

Hi all,

Thanks for having me here. My current game prototype is called 18 Holes ( and it's by far the furthest I've taken any prototype before. I took it to PAXAUS last week and wrangled people from the free play area into play tests. It went well.

I found this forum while doing research into potential publishers for the game, although I suspect I'll end up taking it to kickstarter to get volume pricing from printers.

In terms of board games I like to play, that would mostly be two player that my partner and I can play. We recently picked up Hive while 7 Wonders Duel had been the prior favourite. For games with more people we'll play most things that take less than an hour per play.

Anyway, that's me.


Joined: 06/09/2017


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