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Greetings from Virginia

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Joined: 08/11/2013

Hey everyone! My name is David, I'm a first time designer in Richmond, VA, working on my game Espion. I had the idea for the game on the way home from vacation earlier this year, and have been working hard on it ever since. It started off innocently enough, just a conversation between my wife and I on how we could make a game that used our favorite elements from the games we always play and fixed some of the headaches with them. I had no idea how much fun this project would be, and how absolutely amazing and supportive the game design community is.

I still have a lot to learn though. I would love the community's feedback and help navigating the waters of self-publishing.

I look forward to participating here and getting to know you all and contributing where I can.

Thanks for reading.


Joined: 08/11/2013

Fellow designer from Boston here. I just traversed through your site and facebook page, looking promising!

I am making my own game Warring Kingdom, and plan to kickstart in Dec. So I don't believe I'm any further along than you are, but have done some research with friends on manufacturers, government regulations etc. I'd love to share what I've learned with you.

Welcome to BGDF, and best of luck to you on your project! Feel free to post any specific question or just chat me up.


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