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theTrueMikeBrown's picture
Joined: 08/12/2017

Hello, I have been active on BGG for years, but only decided to join BGDF right now.

I have been designing games since I was in middle school, but only about eight years ago did I get serious about it.

Not published yet, but hope springs eternal, right?

I have worked on about 23 games as of yet - 6 of them have finalized in or won design contests.

I love games that make me think. I play with my wife and with my coworkers at work.

I am also a member of the awesome Board Game Design Guild of Utah, which is super helpful in getting my games cleaned up.

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013

Very fortunate Mike. Having a good band of brothers to help break your game so you can polish it up is something I envy! (maybe I need to get out more). Good to see you man.

KiltedNinja's picture
Joined: 10/14/2013

Hello and welcome - good to have you here ;)

Rick L
Rick L's picture
Joined: 08/22/2016
theTrueMikeBrown wrote:Hello,

theTrueMikeBrown wrote:
Hello, I have been active on BGG for years, but only decided to join BGDF right now.

I have been designing games since I was in middle school, but only about eight years ago did I get serious about it.

Not published yet, but hope springs eternal, right?

I have worked on about 23 games as of yet - 6 of them have finalized in or won design contests.

I love games that make me think. I play with my wife and with my coworkers at work.

I am also a member of the awesome Board Game Design Guild of Utah, which is super helpful in getting my games cleaned up.

Hi Mike, you're not the only member of the bgdg of Utah on here! I'm not an official member yet until I move back next year, but I was in town for the meeting last Tuesday night!

Welcome, and hope to see some of your designs soon!

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