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Hello from Bristol

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Frank West
Frank West's picture
Joined: 11/25/2016

Hi Everyone,

I'm Frank from Bristol (England) and I have been designing games as a hobby for most of my life. I originally started with video games and moved onto board game design a couple of years ago.

18 months ago I found myself commuting to Holland every week for work and decided to use this time to finally make the game I'd been thinking about for many years.

The game was originally designed to be a video game so I've spent a lot of time trying to convert video game mechanics into board game mechanics. Trying to capture the essence of progressive learning, AI and story driven play into a board game.

Now I find myself with a working game, rule book and hundreds of hours of playtests complete and I'm making final adjustments before heading to Kickstarter.


The game I am working on is called The City of Kings and is a story driven 2 - 4 player co-operative adventure board game. Some of the key features I designed the game around are:

- Large amounts of character customisation allowing for the holy trinity (tanking/healing/attacking) and more.

- Procedurally generated creatures creating interesting (and strategic) combat which is persistent over time and deterministic.

- Planned randomness, where nearly all randomness happens before it effects you allowing you to plan and never die from just turning over a tile or drawing a card.

- A full worker management system within the adventure where you gather resources, trade for items and build structures.

The latest draft of the rulebook can be found here:

An overview of the game can be found here:

And the BGG entry is here:


I have wanted to join BGDF for a long time and decided this was finally the time to start. I hope to be able to give feedback to peoples ideas, contribute to discussions and to get honest and brutal feedback to my own ideas as well.

Right now I'm for feedback on peoples first impressions of the game and what questions my description leaves you with.

It's good to be here!


- Frank

ElKobold's picture
Joined: 04/10/2015
Very very nice and

Very very nice and polished.

The only thing which is an instant turn off for me personally is this:


Playing Time
120–240 Min

Frank West
Frank West's picture
Joined: 11/25/2016
ElKobold wrote:Very very nice

ElKobold wrote:
Very very nice and polished.

The only thing which is an instant turn off for me personally is this:


Playing Time
120–240 Min

Thanks Elkobold, I can completely understand that games of this length aren't for everyone!

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