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Hello from South Florida (devaloki)

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devaloki's picture
Joined: 01/15/2014

Hi all!
I'm Gunther, I was recommended this forum by Alan from Victory Point Games.
My main interest in board games is with ones that have dark fantasy themes mainly (also same with my interest in video games; and with media in general, I prefer the dark stuff). My favourite games include: Mage Knight, Demon's Souls, Darkest Night, Defenders of the Realm, Nier, Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Chaos in the Old World, Dawn of the Zeds, Ghost Stories, Yggdrasil, Cruel Necessity, Baroque, Digital Devil Saga, Dark Souls, Dark Arisen, & Death Angel.
I am also heavily interested in boardgames that can be played solitaire/co-op and I am working on designing one. I have most of the mechanics figured out but I am having trouble refining the story of the game. More specifically, I have the overall theme figured out with what I want to do with it, but the details of the theme/story are clashing with the solitaire/co-op mechanics and so I would like help from the forum on refining it so that theme goes hand in hand with the mechanics of the game and solo-playable nature of it. For the co-op aspect of it (I would like the game to be playable for at least 1-2 players, possibly more though I am unsure) I am considering having it semi-co-op.
But anyway, I will save the details of all that for another post since this is just my introductory post and just wanted to say "hi" lol. When I make the other post I'll link to it from here.

Joined: 07/03/2013
Welcome, friend!

I'm kind of new to this site too, but I can tell you'll be a good addition.

I've noticed that the more I open up with my game ideas, the more other people provide support and encouragement. You needn't worry about anyone stealing your ideas: we all have too many projects of our own.

Hope you enjoy your stay!

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