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New to BGDF and game design

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Joined: 10/28/2014

Hello everybody,

I started working on my very first board game a few weeks ago and found this forum because I was looking for ways to differentiate between Melee and Ranged combat in a board game without physical distances in combat. I'll post this topic shortly in the Mechanics subforum.
I wanted to build a custom board game because I like fantasy adventure and building games such as D&D The Board Game, WoW The Board Game, Runebound, Runewars and Mage Knight. The funny thing is, though, that I have never played any of those so I really am a rookie (I have only played casual games such as Carcassonne, Catan, Risk and Stone Age). I intend to pick up (some of) the before-mentioned games but so far I dont have many occasions on which I can play them with other people.

Other hobbies of mine include motorbikes (I have a Yamaha BT1100 Bulldog), guitars and progressive metal (check out my band at and weight lifting. I'm a PhD student in evolutionary ecology, where I study population dynamics and host specificity of ticks.

Joined: 03/27/2014
Welcome aboard! Game design

Welcome aboard! Game design is a great hobby for the creative mind, something you'll probably get a big kick out of. Stay in touch with the forums!

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014


I've recently joined BGDF, as well and have found a vibrant community of interested folks in all manner of game design, theory, development, etc. Glad to have you here and look forward to reading your future posts.


Beggarking's picture
Joined: 09/09/2014
Hi Garwyx - welcome to BGDF.

Hi Garwyx - welcome to BGDF.

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