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New Here

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Kevster's picture
Joined: 02/23/2014

Hi everyone. My name is Kevin and I just discovered this awesome forum.

What brought me here was some research I was doing on game publishers. I'm still a long ways away from actually looking for a publisher for my game design, but I found one I wanted to learn more about. While on their web page I found that they don't accept unsolicited submissions, but one way to get noticed by them was to be active on BGDF. I had never heard of it before, so I checked it out. And here I am.

I'm currently working on my first board game design. The theme is players are all running an 80's style arcade. It's in the playtesting phase and has been played probably 8 or 9 times so far by about 10 different people. I'm still making adjustments after each play, but it's getting closer and closer to where I want it to be. The game's mechanics all seem to work well. Players seem to be enjoying it and have been awesome in helping me make changes to improve gameplay.

I lurked here for all of about 10 minutes before deciding I needed to be a part of this forum. There's a lot of information here that will help me know the next steps in developing my game. I realize it's a competitive industry, and the odds are stacked against me, but I'm sure going to do my best to give my design it's best chance of seeing production one day. I already told my wife that if my game gets published and I don't make a's mission accomplished!

Joined: 02/26/2014
Kevin, nice to meet you! I

Kevin, nice to meet you! I joined recently for the same reasons; it seemed like a community that I needed, and wanted, to be a part of! Welcome aboard.

Pure Stats
Pure Stats's picture
Joined: 01/07/2014
I too am new

Only been here for a little. Welcome. Good luck with your game!!

Jerry's picture
Joined: 11/01/2010

Welcome aboard!

You'll find it's a great place to come for ideas or when you hit writer's block/problems. Folks are pretty helpful around here.

Kevster's picture
Joined: 02/23/2014
Thanks for the welcome

Thanks for the welcome messages everyone! I'm excited to learn more about this community and become a part of it.

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