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New here. Brought a card game with me!

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nick686's picture
Joined: 07/12/2014

Hey everybody! My name is Nick. I'm a jack of all trades kind of guy and have worked on all kinds of different creative projects. A few years ago I was spending some time in Argentina and was taught a card game by a guy I met down there that he had learned but had no idea what it was called. After years of playing and tweaking and altering the rules into a completely new game I finally decided to set out and make it official.

That game is called Juno. Its a 3-7 player family friendly card game. Very easy to learn and packed with strategy, Juno is attractive for all sorts of people.

I've already finished all of the artwork for my deck and box and have a prototype being built and sent to me by I think my aim for now is to self publish but I'd love for any advice you have for me on how to get this game into the hands of as many people as possible. I know they'll love it just as much as my friends, my family and myself.

Sorry for the long winded intro. I hope to make a few friends here that can teach me the ways of game creation and publishing! Happy gaming!

Joined: 03/27/2014
Welcome! Post a rulebook, or

Welcome! Post a rulebook, or PnP!

schattentanz's picture
Joined: 02/18/2014
Welcome! And: RyanRay



RyanRay wrote:
Post a rulebook, or PnP!

Yes, please :)

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