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Newbie - I came to play

4 replies [Last post]
Andy Jackson
Andy Jackson's picture
Joined: 10/09/2017

Hello folks,

Assured that I'm in good company... I am an aspiring designer who has got a few ideas in the back and one big whammy of a game that I'm play-testing the hell out of at the moment.

I'm determined to get it to the stage where I can plonk in down (or set it up delicately) in front of a publisher who will then make my wildest dreams come true, showering me with adulation and so much money that I'll never work (on anything except game design and philanthropic work) again. Short of this I'd consider it a great success to have a publisher just say "yes" and see where it goes from there.

I got into games designing probably before I got into games (not including childhood monopoly) and have had this project in slow development for a number of years. Now I'm ramping up my efforts. In my play collection I've got copies of Dominion, Ticket to Ride, Istanbul, Jaipur and the more I play the more I'm loving it - and learning!

Anyway I'm a lot less tech savvy than is ideal for this kind of site so thought I'd just take the plunge and intro myself before becoming lost in forums, blogs and random threads.

I've a few questions so should I post these as new forum thread(s) or start a blog?

So hello and thanks for being out there BGDF community.


Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
Welcome! I think a blog is


I think a blog is more for talking TO us all, so I'd suggest just asking a question in a regular post. Easier for others to find later, too, if it's something they're also wondering.

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Hello and Welcome

Good to see another new face here at BGDF. :)

And yep, I agree with Jay103 regarding the new posts question. If you want to share or record something that benefits you the most, likely a blog post or a Game Journal entry is worth your time. If you have a question or want the opinions of others, feel free to do your best with determining the category, and make a new post.

Looking forward to see what you have to share: blog posts, questions, and beyond. :)

Joined: 06/09/2017
welcome to the forum

welcome to the forum

DraconicParagon's picture
Joined: 06/14/2018
Welcome! I used to be more

Welcome! I used to be more active here but got a new job and that took up a lot of my time, but I'm getting back into being more active on here, so welcome!

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