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Noob from SF Bay Area

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ssm's picture
Joined: 04/06/2017

Howdy all. I found this site to be much less 'chaotic' & organized better than other sites. The advice I see here is mostly solid & thoughtful.
I am currently working on a fast-paced table top wargame. Games play out in 15-30 mins depending how you setup. No victory points or collecting, just moving and fighting. I have added a couple things to make it more user friendly. I wanted to make a game that is simple to learn, remember, and can be played anywhere in a short period of time. I live around tech giants and think about lunch time playing for these folks.
A big goal of mine, if this ever gets produced, is to maximize value at a low-price point. I am also planning to release the ruleset as open-source.
I grew up without much & made my own games & toys, and so many others in the world can't afford $40+ for a game & do the same. I don't get out much as I am a caregiver to a wonderful 91 year old woman.
When I get hosting again I will have a site and blog about what I am working on.
I am also playing around with an idea of a game featuring a Dungeon Master fighting off adventurers. Like a 1 vs 3 board game.

BHFuturist's picture
Joined: 11/01/2008

Welcome to the forum!

I like the idea of keeping the cost down... so many games these days look great but I just don't have the sort of disposable income I would need to get even half of the ones I would like too.

It sounds like you are doing this for the love of the hobby and that is a wonderful motivation.

I look forward to hearing more about the games you are designing as they develop!


JohnBrieger's picture
Joined: 11/04/2016
Happy to test with you anytime

I just moved to the area so I'm always out and about testing.

I'll PM you with my contact info and if you ever are going to a game night and want to meet up and test, I'd be happy to. You mention Game Kastle in another post. I went to their Tuesday gaming yesterday so I'm always happy to meet up there. There's also Saturday nights at Isle of Gamers as well.

- John

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