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Call out for REVENGE playtesters

I've managed (in my mind anyway) to put everything down on 5 sheets.

No idea how I will shrink this down at this stage but it's a framework that will be tweaked and changed from feedback from kind souls like you!

The game looks 'full' and some parts I haven't explained in too much detail as they will unfold in later chapters such as the skill tree, Honour etc.

For the purposes of this exercise.....I just want to see if you can get through the first scene...and fight the boss.

If there are holes in the game (which there will be) please share your thoughts here or PM me if you wish to discuss offline.

I'm excited by this new game....I hope you might be able to assist me with an outside perspective.

Thanks in advance!secret-stuff/c1r01

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blog | by Dr. Radut